
As seen in
Those who travel through The Fox Empire  can sometimes encounter places like mountains, hills or forests, where mist and fog rules the land. Spots like this offer the unique opportunity to notice someone seemingly unfitting this country. Sometimes, in the mist you can see a person looking like a short young girl with petite figure, younger than full-grown adult but for sure not a child. The Kitsune folk call her “Moyako” - the misty girl. First thing noticeable is her very dark skin, way more dark than what you can usually see among Kitsune folk, with white stripe-like patterns. It will be noticeable for sure, as the girl wears usually very little clothes, showing her skin a lot. Second thing that may seem strange here is her light-green hair, and pointy ears. The girl also speaks very little as if she didn’t knew the language. While all those features may seem like a signs of someone coming far from Fox Empire, not knowing language and not accustomed to local culture, this notion is mostly wrong. The girl is not human at all, but a goddess. Hair and ears should be a given sign that for sure she is not normal human being, but there is more. Her white stripe skin patters, covering her whole, may seem like body-painting, but they are not. Those are her natural skin features. Her revealing clothing apparently is a result of her considering her own skin beautiful. It makes her having the opinion that she doesn’t need much clothes, as that would made her look worse. Despite not talking much, she knows languages of the Kitsune folk quite well, in fact she seem to not talk in human languages other than that. She seemingly spares her word for important occasions, being silent most of the time. When you encounter her, you may prepare for not fully believing your senses as that girl is known with using her godly powers to mess with other people’s perception. Bear in mind, however, that those are mostly innocent pranks. Moyako seems to be playful and rather friendly. Other than pranks, you can hope for seeing her beautiful smile, enriched by her dark green eyes. She seems to smile a lot, indeed. Sometimes she can even help you if you are in trouble in the wild. While Moyako is far from typical goddess from the Fox Empire, not being even worshipped, she seems to be quite interesting curiosity for travellers in this land.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Looks like a short young girl with petite figure, small chest, the dark complexion, white stripes and sparse clothing. She appears to be no more a child, but of the growing age. Of course, as she is a goddess, she will most likely never grow further. Her hair are light green and the ears are pointy.

Special abilities

Manipulation of signals - lights, smells, sounds and anything that can be detected by senses. Able to make the illusions. Can also make something or someone undetectable if she knows it well enough.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears very little clothing. Usually, she puts on herself just desaturated green cloth around her breasts and hips. Always barefoot. She tend to wear decorative, simple jewelry like necklaces, bracelets and anklets.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to find someone she could belong with. She has accumulated some friends and even the few lovers, but that doesn't help her overall isse. She doesn't fullt feel as she belongs either among humans  or gods. As the result she mostly lives in isolation, most of her contact coming from the unplanned ecounters with someone visiting the woods.

Virtues & Personality perks

She's rather friendly, even if she is in her non-talkative period due the to shyness.

Personality Quirks

She's shy and non-talkative, unless she knows someone for some time. Hates shoes and socks with passion. Can tolerate sandals that can be easily slipped off for the short time, but overall is a dedicated barefooter. Seems to have no nudity taboo.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Short, light green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown with reddish tint and white stripes


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