The Moon

The Counterpart

The Moon is one of the Primordial Gods, possesing an Aspect of Cognition. Embodying the idea of a Counterpart, it provides vital role within the Law territory.  


The Moon embodies idea of Counterpart, this gives it ability to make it's own actions affecting or be affected by the direct action of something else, without a direct contact. It can also form similar relationship on the other beings. It forms it's relationship with The Sun, moving in a way that make it appear what The Sun disappears and capturing some of it's energy that didn't reach The World. It aslo has the relationship with the oceans, making them move up and down with it's own moves. This specific role can be considered vital.  


It's shape and the Body is that of a giant ball with various pattern up on it's surface. It's appreaing bright, due to the fact that it's redirecting parts of the energy emitted by The Sun that didn't manage to reach the World. The redirect energy appear as pale, silver light. The parts of the surface on The Moon, doing the redirecting are periodically changing in a cycle lasting 45 days, called "month". After the 8 months, the cycle speeds up to the 5 days, which is universally recognized as the "Holiday Period", after the Holiday Period the cycle goes back to normal.   It floats over the bounds of the air, flollowing The Sun's movements.  


Gods descending from The Moon tend to bear great ressemblence to human, both in the body and mind. This fact makes them a far cry from most of the other Cognition Dynasty gods and makes them ressemble the vast majority of the gods from the Creation Dynasty. Undefined skin tone, however, is unheard of among the Moon descendants.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Primordial God of Cognition
Idea: Counterpart


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