
Gods are a category of the Law-abbiding beings that posses an individual Aspect. They are are both incredibly numerous and influential people. Characterized by their biological immortality and the degree of mastery over the reality itself. Many of them are subjects of worship from the people of the Collective Aspects, like the humans.   The gods which posses the direct Aspect of a Concept are known as Primordial Gods.

Basic Information


Gods are generally possessing Aspect, Form and Body, just like the rest of the Law-abbiding beings. What makes them different is the fact their possesed Aspects are individual and not collective.   Bodies of the gods are maintaining themselves outise od the usual rules of the Law. Death from hunger or aging is alien to them. Their bodies could still get damaged and be killed.   Their Bodies can posses wide variety of the shapes and properties, the general trends could be summed up as such:
  • Creation Dynasty gods has great physical ressemblence of humans, while nearly always there are some unusual traits that makes them standing out.
  • Destruction Dynasty gods, mostly inheirted the serpent-like shape of their bodies, granting them the title of "dragons". It is worth to note that this trend is the result of the fact that most of the Destruction Gods are descendants of the Primordial God that is Celestial Serpent. Those few who are from another Primordial God don't share those tendencies.
  • Life Dynasty gods usually ressemble combinations of the different terrestial beasts.
  • Cognition Dynasty gods tend to ressemblence various marine creatures, they are also having some human-like members, although they are far from being common and they are further from humans than the Creation gods. The unusal case are The Moon descendants which tend to be the most human-like gods of them all both in terms of body and behavior.
Divine Bodies lack any reproductive function, however they can posses some characteristics of a specific sex (most common among gods with bodies ressembling humans). Lack of sexual drive of any kind is quite common among gods, but there are also numerous examples of those who posses it (can be possibly directed at the specific sex).   One of the features, common among human-like gods, is having "undefined" skin tone. Undefined skin is always looking like it naturally fits with the skin tone of any people, around a god with it, that are looking simmilar enough (which usually includes most of humans and the other human-like gods), even if those people's skin is looking completly different from each other. For example: if a god with undefined skin tone would be among two humans: one with light and the other with very dark skin, than, any observer would notice that this god's skin is looking exactly like the skin of both of the humans, despite it being logically impossible.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gods are not reproducing in a biological meaning of the word. Instead, they can differiantiate parts of their Aspects in a way that would lead to binding it andd spawining an unique Form. The end result will be a new individual god, considered a descendant.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gods are dividing themselves by the lineage they are coming form. Most notable of them is classification on Dynasties, which depend on the Concept they are originating from. The other one used (less commonly, but notable enough) is by having specific Primordial God as the Ancestor.   Specific social structure usually depends on the Dynasty of a god:
  • Gods of the Creation Dynasty tends to form relationships ressebling those of humans, although more loose
  • Gods of the Destruction Dynasty are usually more solitare, although capable of cooperation
  • Gods of the Life Dynasty are heavily sticking out with the other gods of the same Dynasty and very rarely with other gods
  • Gods of the Cognition Dynasty are generally avoiding other gods of the same Dynasty, mostly sticking with Creation or Destruction gods, while still keeping themselves somewhat separate. The outliers are the descendants of the Moon which tend to behave drastically more like humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Senses and capabilities within the standard Law are depending on the specific traits of the Body of a particular god.
Senses and capabilities realted to the divinity:
  • Way to Understanding, the Divine Detection - the ability to mentally analyze and explore the structure and physcial properties of the beings and existances in the close proximity. Unlike physcial senses, it requires an active focus and can be slightly draining on the Body. By using it, the god is mapping the knowledge of the subject in their minds. This knowledge is reffered to as "Understanding". The drain is heavier the lesseer this god understands simmilar subject and the more extensive the mapping is. Other beings with individual Aspects (gods, divine objects) cannot be subjects of the Divine Detection. The Body and the Form of the user themselves can be analyzed, but the process usually require more training and is harder than with anything else.
  • Reality Alteration - the ability to alter the reality requiring for the user to have mapped in the mind the desired outcome of the alteration. More heavily draining on the Body. The desired outcome must be compatible with the Law. The more drastic the specific alteration is, the more draining it is. however the drain lessens as the mapping that leads to an alteration is more extensive and specific. Therefore, the most dratic alterations are related to the subjects the gods know very well and they can perceive, especially if the Divine Detection is involved. Typical Reality Alteration involves gods using Divine Detection on an object in close proximity they want to alter to know what mapping would be needed, on a subject they already posses a lot of knowledge on. Therefore, gods tend to specialize with their aiblity to Alter on the different field, depending on their knowledge (Understanding), interests and talents. Other beings with an individual Aspects cannot be Altered. The users are able to alter themselves, but it's a harder process than the rest of the Alteration. Usually, due to the extensive knowledge of it, the gods have the easiet time to perform Alteration within their home territory.
  • Connection - ability to create the link between the being with an collective Aspect that could be called "a person". The Connection is always initiallized by a person wanting to grant their desire into a speicific god (an activity usually refered to as "prayer"). If a god in question receives the request, they can start the Connection. When maintained, the Connection grants to the god the access to the mind of the person, regardless of the distance and any other factor. The god can search various parts of the mind if they so desire. The senses and the current thoughts are the most commonly accessed parts of it. The god can use the person as the anchor point for the Divine Detection (can use it as if they were in th eplace of that person) and echance it with the person's knowledge and perception to perform an Alteration in that person's proximity. Naturally, it also makes the Understanding and Altering anything related to that person a lot easier for the god. The Connection serves primarily as the way for the gods to have an influence over vast territories, if they have enough worshippers. The god is not guaranteed to receive a request for the Connection. The cahnce depends on multiple factors like: physical distance (the further, the weaker), activities perfomred during the prayers (religious rituals increasing the chance), the Concept that species of a person is descending from (easier if it is the same as the god's), how well person is "tuned" with the Concept the god's is descending from (the more, the easier time) and the knowledge aobut the specific god the person posses (the more, the easier).
  • Divine Speech - gods can communicate with each other in the close proximity by directly exchanging intending thoughts. While this ability is reffered to as "speech", it is not verbal and bypasses the need of usage of the language in any traditional sense.
One of the most common abilities used by the gods regardless of their potential talents is the usage of the Reality Alteration as the means of the simple telekinesis.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

When communitaing solely among themselves, gods are using Divine Speech - a method of communication without a language in any traditional sense of the word. Therefore, the very concept of "names" is something they only started using after the contact with non-divine people. As such, all of the names of the gods are not thought up by them, but by the various peoples, usually humans.   (note of the author: the text using human names of the gods in the communication between those gods that would probably happen with the Divine Speech is purely a translation convention. Story-wise they do not use any names when using the Divine Speech)

Gender Ideals

Technically speaking, gods are sexless and their culture by itself don't assign gender norms to them. However, some are associating themselves with the particular sex/gender due to various reasons. This is the most common among the gods of the Creation Dynasty and the Moon descenders due to their wider interactions with humans, altough can be spotted among the rest of the gods as well. Most of gods who do associate themself with a gender, also posses Bodies that share characteristics with a sex (although this is far from a hard rule).


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