Mearea Character in Boriel | World Anvil


The Champion


Mearea is the Wife of Talthos and mother of Attia was one of the first to stand beside Talthos when he fought against The Ascended. She is the embodiment of female strength. Viewed by some as the true power in The God War. It was her tactical thinking that allowed The Prime Pantheon to drive their enemies away from Boriel and scatter them in the Astral Sea.


When The Prime Pantheon had exiled The Ascended to the Astral Sea, it was a time of great uncertainty. Those of The Prime Pantheon could not agree how they should interact with the world. Some blieved that they should continue their current interactions, free to walk the world and interact as they saw fit. Other however believed that it was this interaction that had lead to The God War and that the only way to prevent history from repeating itself was to cut all ties.   It was at this time that Mearea created The Laws Of Divine Conduct which devined how the Gods would interact with the mortal races. These Laws were widely seen as fair and just by most save but a few. Gruumsh chief Diety of the Orcs wished to see his children rise to greater power and so he set about personaly leading armys of Orcs into battle against others of the mortal races.   When Mearea learned that her laws has been disobayed she rallyed her armies and lead them against Gruumsh. The two armies enaged in battle and amoungst the fray Mearea sought out and found Gruumsh. The two fought fiercely with the sounds of the battle resonating across the world as thunder storms. Mearea was able to best Gruumsh and as a punnishment for his misguided vision for his beloved Orcs they would be shunned by or civilized societies. Mearea then plucked out one of Gruumsh's eyes as a permanent reminder that failure to follow the law will always result in punishment no matter who you are.

Divine Domains

  • Justice
  • Reribution
  • Generals
  • Soldiers
  • Archers
  • Strength

Holy Books & Codes

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A winged Helmet.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the company and aid of others. The efforts of the individual often pale against the capabilities of community.
  • Strive to tame the wilds of the world in the name of civilization, and defend the points of light and order against the chaos of darkness.
  • Uphold and revere the spirit of invention. Create new places and colonies, build where inspiration hits and expand the laws of Mearae.
Divine Classification


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