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Rhen Blazestrider

Not much is known for certain about Rhen Blazestrider, as gossip and fear caused riddiculous tales to be spread around the continent. What is known for certain is that he wished for a country for humans, a country with no elves, and that he allied with devils to aid his rebellion against Aria and The Alyssian Empire. The devils allowed him to make use of portals, transporting his followers far in an instant, which they used to strike at soft targets like hospitals and schools for elvish children without fear of resistance. They managed to keep this up for 10 years, when they sucessfully feigned an attack at the strategically essential Asal Fortress. When Aria moved her forced they instead invaded The City of Alyssa, making it all the way into Dodre Palace. It is unkown what happened inside, as no one emerged, but one can argue that Rhen suceeded - the empire fell, and so did all (nearly) all civilization across The Alyssian Continent.  


It is unkown what Rhen Blazestrider looked like. Most descriptions that survived the fall are from tales told in taverns describing him as demonic, monstrous or bestial, but these stories are presumably false or exagerated by the people, who were terrified of him. Most likely he was a perfectly average man, descriptions given to the officers in Kijitsu Gakuen describe him as "186 cm tall, average build, brown hair and beard, rugged appearance, grey eyes".
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Date of Death
672 TBA 638 TBA 34 years old


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