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Black Dragons

Black Dragons are typically considered to be the most evil of all dragons, and it is said they are the species Tiamat worked the longest on. They typically reside in swamps or jungles at the edges of civilization, with their lairs being in narrow ruins, grottos or similar. They are known for being sadists, for instance pretending to offer mercy only to brutually murder their victim the moment they believe themselves safe. They will do anything to save their own hide - anything except servitude.   The greatest threat to a black dragon is other dragons, and as such they both hate and fear them. They will always attempt to slay other dragons, but are suprprisingly inclined to leave a lair behind if a stronger dragons threatens it.   The hoard of a black dragon typically consists of treasures that were significant to foes it has slain or civilizations that have fallen.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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