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Elara is a goddess of trickery and misery, as well as illusions, lies and truth. She is one of the eldest children of Amalthea and Aries, and the twin sister of Helia. She is the mother of Cressida and lover of Asmodeus. She communicates with the mortals of the material plane through whispers and dreams, planting fear and twisting the minds of so-called good people. Some of her worshippers worship her as the wife of Asmodeus (their exact relation is unclear, though it is certainly some sort of romance), naming her a princess of evil and chaos. Others worship her as a godess of illusions, and look for the truth hidden in the dreams she sends. This is a tricky path, as she is just as likely to show you a lie. Regardless, Elara adores being worshipped and rewards all who give her sacrifices.  

The fall of a goddess

Every famliy has a black sheep, and the divines are no exception. As a child, Elara thrived on chaos and was a true troublemaker always fighting with her parents. Her twin on the other hand was the perfect goddess, always doing as she was expected and following the rules. Yet it is said that the sisters, though different as night and day, shared an unbreakable bond in their early years. As they grew older, Elara's 'pranks' became more and more malicious, putting tension on Aries - a god of law - in particular. He attempted to control her by being stricter, but the more he squeezed the harder she rebelled. Their conflict culminated in her bedding Asmodeus, Lord of Hell and Prince of Evil, and soon after she gave birth to Cressidia. Outraged, Aries tossed her into the empty realm of Phantasm and put a curse on her, saying that she would never leave Phantasm as long as the light of the sky shone on the material plane.   Aries had finally had enough, and as punishment and damage control he forced her into the empty realm of Phantasm and put a curse on her. The curse states that as long as the light of the sky shines on the material plane she is trapped, though others may enter freely. Some time before this Helia, ever the golden child, had been tasked with taking care of the sun. Elara thought the sun was the light of the sky, and pleaded with her sister to remove it and set her free. Helia, torn between her duty to the mortals and her love for her twin, opted for a compromise. She would lower the sun a few hours each day, allowing Elara some freedom but not subjecting the mortals to an eternal darkness. When the sun set, it was revealed that the sky was in fact full of light - the stars and the moon kept Elara imprisoned. Elara belived her sister had tricked her, and swore she would have venegeance on all her family. She took control of Phantasm and turned it into her own realm, and manages to reach the material plane at night. She can not leave phantasm, but her magic lets her reach mortals with dreams and whispers. As such, she gathers strength and influence while plotting the downfall of the divine.  

Appearance and symbolism

Elara is typically depicted in shape as a celestial, signaling her heritage, but in color as something darker, showing her fall. Another common element is glowing red shackles, symbolizing the light that keeps her trapped.   Elara's symbol is somewhat ironically the moon, the very thing that keeps her from unleashing her full power.   She is associated with Blue Dragons and White Dragons.


Chaotic Evil
Ruled Locations
Divine Domains


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