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Elmsvik is the youngest of the three great city states on the surfacec of The Alyssian Continent. It is ruled by a council where each of the founding families have a seat. Elmsvik is a fairly peaceful city, not ruled by a thirst for magical knowledge or a hatred of elves, and is seen as the neutral middleground where anyone can come make an honest living. Thus, it is the city with most diverse population - elves, humans, halflings, gnomes and the occasional dwarf or dragonborn, all living in relative harmony. There is of course still racial tensions, particularliy between humans and elves, but it rarely becomes anything more than drunkards shouting at each other.
Geopolitical, City-state


Kijitsu Gakuen and Elmsvik genereally have friendly relations, people with magic potentional from Elmsvik are free to study at the academy  (if they pass the exam/pay the tuiton) and merchants are free to trade with each other. The biggest hinder in the relationship is the long distance, the mountains in particular have a lot of monsters and bandits that make the journey periolous. The safe option is to sail around the continent using the canal, but this can be tedious and costly.

Neutral (ignoring each other)

Elmsvik and Maristed are on amicable terms, mostly become Elmsvik is shy of conflict. Maristed refuses positive relations with anyone who allows elves as citizens, and Elmsvik frowns upon Maristed blatant racism and use of slaves. Neither party appears interested in acting upon this mutual dislike however, and so an uneasy peace where they both pretend the other doesn't exist reigns.


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