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Tauri, most commonly known as the patron deity of children, birth, hope, and new beginnings, is one of the deities worshipped as part of the Creed of the 21. They are also, though less commonly, worshipped as a deity of healing and beauty. Tauri's core teaching is to approach the world with the wonder of a child and to embrace new beginnings.  

Appearance and Symbols

Tauri is most often portrayed as a curious child. Tauri's symbol and holy animal is a lamb. Tauri's associated dragon are the Faerie Dragons.  

A New Deity

The death of Oberon left a hole in the pantheon. Remaining scriptures, mostly located in the libraries of Kijitsu Gakuen, depict a heated theological debate regarding both the name 'Creed of the 21' (with people arguing against also suggesting using the opportunitu to remove certain controversial deities) and the divinity of all deities - for if they can die, are they truly that different from mortals? These debates were forgotten in an instant following the fall of The Alyssian Empire - semantics were meaningless in the face of catastrophe.   The Dark Age was gruesome. No settlements worth mentioning aside from Kijitsu Gakuen, which at the time was a school and it's dorms as well as a couple shops and farms, survived. Most died, the few who remained had the choice between scraping together a living of the land - a primitive way of life which had not been seen since the birth of the Empire, or turn to banditry. Most chose the latter - making it even harder for those who decided against it. Spirits were low, alcoholism and gambling were rampant, and elves in particular were struggling. It was in the year -422 a young elf, Nashi, began hearing a voice in his dreams. The voice belonged to a new god - Tauri, here to aid the peoples of the world in adapting to the new world. The new god claimed to be born of the body of Oberon with the soul of the empire, and was an answer to the pleas of elves. Tauri, represented by Nashi, taught that the fall was caused by arrogance - and instead of mourning the consequenses of their action all elves should celebrate their new beginning. A new world where all are equal - filled with wonder and discoveries.   Nashi eventually passed, as all elves now must, but not before converting a sizable number to the worship of Tauri. Many claimed to receive visions, and claims of 'miracles' were frequent. Yet Tauri remains a controversial god; Some embrace them as a replacement of Oberon, others accuse them of being an evil spirit taking adventage of the chaos to gain a foothold on the material plane. Regardless their influence is spreading, and many have found relief in their message of positivty and innocence.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Divine Domains


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