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The number of scriptures about this mythic god can be counted on the average human's fingers, and there are few now who worship him. According to the surviving texts, Oberon was a god of peace and reflection who seldom interfered with the material plane. Today, he is known as a god of sacrifice - for that is what he did.   The Celestials do not typically mess with politics the way mortals do, but when Aries and Amalthea split a civil war started. Celestials fought each other, and in the chaos they abonded their duty to keep the forces of evil at bay. Asmodeus, prince of Evil and ruler of The 9 Hells, saw the oppurtunity to strike. Using information gathered by his imprisoned lover, Elara, he began a ruthless assault. Exhausted by the civil war, the celestials stood no chance, and it looked like evil would finally win.   Oberon had seen this coming. He had warned his fellow deities that their dispute would have consequences, and as they trashed about in their confusion Oberon found the path to peace. Asmodeus was the only force holding the army of the 9 Hells together, and without him to lead the other rulers would succumb to infighting, ending the slaughter and restoring balance. The problem was that Asmodeus himself has the power of a god, som even call him the god of indulgence or power, and would not fall easily. Yet Oberon, who himself was no fighter, fought Asmodeus in a great battle that sundered the world around them - and won. Asmodeus was weakned, forced to hide in the deepest layer of hell, and the devils lost the war. Order was restored.   Yet the victory was pyrrhic, as Oberon dissapeared. The other deities mourned his loss, and they stuck to their hard-won lesson. A truce was forged, forever dividing the courts of Amalthea and Aries - yet both vowing to assist the other in times of crisis.  

Appearance and symbols

The surving scriptures do not tell of any symbols or dragons associated with Oberon before his death, but today he is associated with the image of a dead man, oft smiling.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Ruled Locations
Divine Domains


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