Flacau Hor


The Flacau Hor is a plane characterized by its unique geography. It consists of continent-sized floating landmasses suspended in the sky. These landmasses are adorned with majestic mountains that reach great heights, overlooking deep fjords that cut through the land. The sight of these deep fjords creates wounds that scar the surface of the plane.

Beneath the floating continents lies a volcanic plain, perpetually active with erupting volcanoes. The plain is composed of dark volcanic rock, concealing vast and icy caverns beneath its surface. The volcanic activity gives the plane an ominous and tumultuous atmosphere, with the sound of eruptions echoing throughout.

The sky of the Flacau Hor is often illuminated by a warm red glow emitted from the bottom portions of the floating continents. This glow adds an eerie ambiance to the plane, contrasting with the dark rock below. The sky is also occasionally filled with storms of debris when the floating landmasses collide, creating an intense and chaotic spectacle.

Travelers often navigate the Flacau Hor using the river Uibaec, which is formed by the confluence of the river Oceanus and the river Styx. The river Oceanus descends from a towering mountain atop a floating continent, cascading down several floating motes of earth before reaching the volcanic plain. On the other hand, the river Styx flows through the icy caverns beneath the volcanic fields. Once the two rivers merge, they form the river Uibaec, which serves as a gateway to the other planes of the Chaos Sphere.

In addition to the volcanic fields and floating landmasses, the Flacau Hor also contains vast fields of debris and scrap that have fallen from above. The edges of these fields are marked by slag caused by the intense heat of the flowing lava. Scattered amidst the debris are broken weapons, machinery, and remnants of buildings, attracting scavengers who hope to find valuable treasures amidst the trash.


The Flacau Hor is inhabited by a wide array of kingdoms, each populated by diverse beings such as giants, goblins, hobgoblins, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and more. These kingdoms are in a constant state of war with one another, with alliances shifting and breaking on a regular basis. The plane's perpetual conflict is not a result of mere coincidence, but rather a direct consequence of the influence of Vuglan, the god of war and battle.

Vuglan's presence not only fuels the never-ending conflicts but also imbues the plane with a unique aura of martial energy. The Flacau Hor resonates with the spirit of battle, attracting warriors from all corners of the multiverse who seek to test their mettle in the most challenging of environments. The plane becomes a crucible for warriors, honing their skills and pushing their limits as they navigate the treacherous landscape and engage in relentless combat.

In essence, the Flacau Hor is a realm where the pursuit of dominance in warfare is paramount. Its inhabitants, driven by the influence of Vuglan, are locked in an eternal struggle for power and supremacy. The plane serves as a testament to the unyielding nature of conflict and the unquenchable thirst for victory that burns within the hearts of its denizens.

Localized Phenomena

Vuglan holds absolute dominion over the Flacau Hor, using their immense power to perpetuate the eternal struggle that engulfs the plane. Their presence serves as a constant reminder of the everlasting nature of battle and the ever-present threat of death. In the Flacau Hor, the act of delivering a killing blow, whether through a spell or a sword, is accompanied by a surge of empowerment. However, death is only temporary on the Flacau Hor, and the dead are resurrected the next day, fully ready to fight again. These phenomenon stand as a testimony to the perilous nature of the plane and the enduring wars waged by its inhabitants.

The echoes of distant conflicts reverberate throughout the Flacau Hor, creating an unsettling symphony of clashing steel and the resounding cries of warriors. These sounds serve as a haunting reminder of Vuglan's influence and the relentless battles that shape the plane. It is within this tumultuous environment that Vuglan's petitioners, individuals who dedicate their lives to serving the god of war, clash with the native inhabitants, each side fiercely vying for dominance.


The Flacau Hor experiences extreme and contrasting climates. Summers are long and scorching, subjecting inhabitants to intense heat, while winters are brutally cold and unforgiving, creating a harsh and challenging environment.

Dimensional plane
Included Locations

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