Grimm Gorefur

Grimm Gorefur

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was, and in a way, still is, a pirate. Driven by a desire to free his wife from her prison he fled the "Drek" and its crew and pursued the lich that took her from him. The confrontation with Hromy on Orkun Island the final straw. Smuggling himself off the island after fleeing his comrades, he met up with the crew he had hired previously while they were still at the Foundry of Vorn  and made for the Wild Lands, to the place he remembered being held before escaping, the Valley of the Lost


An individual at heart, Grimm took many jobs, most of which meant that he could use his fists and get money.

Mental Trauma

Grimm underwent magical experimentation on the orders of Arizanthuul by Arastina Varen his breaking point being the moment that Arizanthuul broke his wifes skull in front of him, devouring her brain. While he put that out of his mind, the memory locked away and hidden, it broke down the walls that prevented Grimm from being transformed into the vessel that Arizanthuul wanted him for.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Known to be a drinker, it can sometimes get away from him.

Wealth & Financial state

Before disappearing in pursuit of the lich that had made him what he was, Grimm had come into a considerable amount of money. He distributed it between investments in a front, a ship and crew, as well as giving some to his comrades as he departed.
Year of Birth
3472 41 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black fur
450 lbs.


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