Hanran Bobu Nubini (/ˈhanɾan ˈbobu ˈmubimi/)


The Hanran Bobu Nubini, a majestic river stretching 559 miles, is a prominent geographical feature situated on the western coast of the northern region of Hiyon Nenpan. The river takes its start in the verdant foothills of the Bohi non Napi, a mountain range known for its rugged beauty and diverse flora and fauna. From there, it embarks on a journey flowing southwest, cutting through the panoramic landscapes and serving as a life source for the communities along its banks. It finally meets its end at the Em Olae, also known as the Heart Ocean, a vast expanse of water that mirrors the sky, thus creating a breathtaking spectacle of nature's grandeur.

Alternative Name(s)
Hanran River
Location under


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