Tebyo Nanyu (/ˈtebjo ˈmamju/)


Tebyo Nanyu, a breathtakingly expansive lake that stretches across 2,008 square miles, is a natural marvel tucked away in the southeastern region of Sluyan. The lake exhibits a unique orientation, extending from northwest to southeast, following a pathway that adds to its geographical intrigue. What sets Tebyo Nanyu apart is a peculiar characteristic of its structure. At a certain point, the wide expanse of the lake tapers to form a small, narrow neck. This slender passage serves as a defining border between the two distinct sections of the lake. To the north of this delicate divide lies what is commonly referred to as the “upper” section of the lake. This part of the lake, steeped in its own unique charm, contrasts beautifully with its southern counterpart. The “lower” portion of the lake, located south of the bottleneck, offers a subtly different experience, enhancing the overall diversity of Tebyo Nanyu's ecosystem.

Alternative Name(s)
Tebyo Lake
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