Känggogä Städangs (/ ˈɕɛŋgɔgɛj ˈstɛdaŋs /)


The position is appointed by the Storm Father upon the death or relinquishing of the previous holder. It is commenced on the first festival of the year, and the interim period is considered a time of reflection where the inductee is to perform the duties in maintaining the festivals but not make public appearances.


The moral obligations of this rank is to ensure that the people of Jhordheim are constantly reminded of the love of the All-Father and his children. That is primary, secondary is to aide in the reinforcement of the Ording through song, dance, and music.


The day to day for the festival master is deciding where to go next with the traveling festival, ensure that the right festival is celebrated, and keep track of any agents out in the field to ensure the operations are moving smoothly and appropriately.
Civic, Professional
Form of Address
Celebrated One
Alternative Naming
Festival Master
Source of Authority
Storm Father
Length of Term
Life or revocation
Reports directly to
Related Organizations


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