

The original founders of the Yom were the most fervent followers of Togimo, who had been chosen by Pharaldin to bring the Kahoshi peoples into the Light of truth and wisdom. While he succeeded, it was at the cost of his own life, having lost it banishing the devils of Netyx that were suffused within the aristocracy of the old kingdom. When it was all over, the Queen of Serpents either fled or killed herself depending on who you ask and her family name has never been used since. There have been disagreements and even violent disputes among the Yipeem that followed in the wake of the kingdom, but more often than not, peace has been the order of the day. Of what remains of the old kingdom can be seen in its ruins, great rock cut architecture, the remains of the colossi in Hermi, etc.


Ever since the fall of the Serpent Queen and the establishment of the Yom, the primary gods worshipped in Kahosh are the gods of Light. In particular, Pharaldin, whom Kahoshi call Bem Xanem which in Common translates to "The Illuminator". Leaders in communities are called Yipeem, or, "Teachers", because they teach the values of truth and wisdom to their people. As such there is little to no seperation between church and state.

Illuminate and Guide

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Legislative Body
The Yom is a collection of Yipeem that gather every seven years regularly, but can be called in emergencies. Its purpose is to create collective policies to govern the disparate peoples that make up Kahosh. In emergencies such as war it serves as the body that directs the war effort, appointing Ramem to command the warriors of Kahosh against its enemies.
Judicial Body
The Sotu are the ajudicators of Kahoshi society, assisting the Yipeem of a community in ensuring they make sound and just decisions when making judgements.
Executive Body
The Yipeem serve as the executive and religious authority in a community within Kahosh.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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