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One must be very brave, righteous, pure at heart and have shown immense skill, tact and will in battle to be considered for this coveted title.
— Head Archangel Gabriel


To be considered for the title of Archangel, one must:
  • Have served in Caelumen's military for at least 100 years
  • Have shown great dedication to protecting Caelumen and Earth from evil
  • Be brave, tactful, strategic and righteous
  • Have won at least 10 honorary awards.


A special ceremony, known as "The Knighting", is observed to celebrate and "knight" the angel as Archangel.


These include, but are not limited to:
  • Leading the soldiers and Calvary into battle
  • Giving orders to soldiers
  • Taking care of the morale and well-being of your soldiers
  • Forming battle strategies


Possessing a title of this covet of course comes with several benefits.
— Head Archangel Gabriel
  These include, but are not limited to:
  • A more comfortable lifestyle
  • A much, much higher salary
  • Guaranteed immortality
  • Major control of Caelumen's military

Accoutrements & Equipment

Archangels wear glamorous white and golden robes adorned with crosses, buttons and cuffs made of gold and silver, along with tall boots made of the finest silver leather. They wear large golden rosaries decorated with ruby and amethyst studs. They wield giant bronze swords with blades made of fire, a huge bow (whose handle is made of fine yew wood and the string is made of fine silver wires) and arrows (whose handle is of strong oak wood and the head is of pure diamond)

Notable Holders

Arguably the most well-known holder of this title is the Angel Gabriel.
Archangel is the highest and most coveted title an angel could achieve in Caelumen's military.
— Head Archangel Gabriel
Religious, Military
Still in effect
Created by Ameuses Himself in ~3 B.C.
Form of Address
Source of Authority
The Head Archangel Gabriel
Length of Term
Throughout the angel's lifetime
Related Locations


Author's Notes

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