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Albis Nubila

What is this Place?

Albis Nubila is the home of the Angels of Light. It is a floating system of clouds in the shape of an island some distance above Caelumen and holds three large cities and two large towns, the largest of which is Nubes Civitatem, and a Central Church.


Albis Nubila is under the control of The Central Church, which is responsible for implementing laws, general maintenance of social amenities, regulating the flow of money throughout the city and collecting taxes.

Architecture Style

The architecture of important buildings and structures is grandiose with tall quartz and marble pillars, intricately carved designs and overall simplistic yet harmonious and uniform structuring. Meanwhile, the design of houses or places of residence gives off an aura of great affluence, with large plant-filled terraces, multiple fountains and wide open spaces. They are built with quartz and coloured concrete and are adorned with ebony, oak, gold, silver and bronze fixtures.
Small Holding Area for Horses by CoolG1319
A Villa in Albis Nubila by CoolG1319

Ecosystem Cycles

Spring, summer and fall occur on this floating island of clouds. In spring, the flowers bloom, the fruits and berries are at their ripest, there is light rain and the weather is generally wet but pleasant. In summer, the leaves are green, the animals frolic and the weather is hot and tropical. In fall, the leaves turn red, orange, yellow and brown and fall to the ground, some animals hibernate, the clouds forming the island turn a pale orange and the weather is cool and windy. There is no winter.

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Angels of Light
Nubes Civitatem 

Quick Peek

Area: 55.1 sq. miles (142.7 sq. km)   Population: 723, 229 Angels of Light   Location Type: Floating Island   Child Locations: Nubes Civitatem   Government Type: Local/Religious government
Island, Floating
Vehicles Present
Included Locations
Owning Organization
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