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Tome of Magic and Spells

Written by CoolG1319

Everything you are about to read is the product of several accounts combined to try and piece together the truth behind the existence of this artefact. The information here has neither been confirmed nor debunked, so take it all with a heavy grain of salt. Thank you for paying heed and you may now proceed.
This book, simply referred to as the Tome of Magic and Spells, is an ancient book that supposedly contains information about spells, how to cast them, as well as descriptions and illustrations of magical artefacts. It is widely believed to be in the possession of The Central Church, who allegedly kept it in a hidden vault.

The rumor was first spread by a supposed former worker of The Central Church. Her story went as follows:

She was doing her usual routine of cleaning her Central Church’s basement, humming a cheery tune when she happened upon a strange wooden door with a sign warning that only the Head Nun is allowed access. Though she understood the consequences, her curiosity led her to crack the door open, peer inside, then fully step in.

The nun was met with a long, dark, empty, stone hallway illuminated by only a few torches. At the hallway’s end was a staircase going further underground.

She cautiously walked through the hallway and descended the stairs until she reached yet another door, this one metal, larger and wide open. The contents of the room made the nun’s jaw drop.

Piles upon piles of gold, silver, bronze, and other metal ingots were stacked against the walls. Rubies, emeralds, opals, amethysts, jewels, and gems littered the ground. Large ornate treasure chests made of gold stood out among the heaps. But the object that distinguished itself the most lay on a lectern in the center of the room.

The nun approached the lectern, staring at the thick, beautifully decorated tome atop it. Curiosity unbridled, she opened a couple of pages and began flipping through them, intrigued by the strange illustrations and text. She reached one page in particular that was nothing but small text and as she read through, a shocking realization dawned on her. This was a spell book!

Appalled, she bolted out of the room and flew up the stairs and out of the building.


Accounts describe this book as “about 300 pages thick and three feet long with decorative leather covers.” Details vary
Description based on word of mouth by Unknown
depending on who you ask, but they all share some similarities, allowing me to make a rough drawing of it.

Mysterious Contents

No one is certain of the exact contents of this tome; only that it contains information about magic, magical items, and spells. The truth of the rumours cannot be confirmed.

The nun who first spoke of the book claims that it was filled with drawings of strange artefacts and details of spells and how to cast them. Subsequently, another former nun claimed she had read almost the entire book, describing drawings of unusual objects accompanied by cursed, demonic images and an unrecognizable language, all with a disturbed look in her eyes.

Since these accounts were shared, many more former nuns and bishops have come out with similar stories, some even suggesting the book contains information on how to achieve godhood.

Responses to the Rumours

Reactions are mixed. Some expressed concern for the mental state of the individuals involved. Reading such horrific material could certainly be traumatizing. However, others, particularly the deeply religious, doubted the truth of the stories, labelling the storytellers insane liars: who would dare say that something so unholy could exist in such a blessed realm?

The Central Church, upon learning of the rumours, promptly dispatched a representative to address the situation. Shortly thereafter, the individuals who had shared their stories vanished, leading to speculation that they had been severely punished by The Central Church and assigned to lengthy community service.

My Thoughts and Conclusions

Though I lack direct proof, all the information at hand seems too consistent to doubt.

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The Central Church 


Author's Notes

Special thanks to Alan for helping proofread and improve the article!

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Aug 4, 2024 23:25

I love that the accounts are inconsistent, and that those who dared espouse it’s truth mysteriously disappeared. How true to life! Well done. I’ll be featuring this in my SC24 Reading Challenge.  

Summer Camp ‘24 Reading Challenge
Generic article | Aug 5, 2024

Now playing: Summer Camp '24 Reading Challenge   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 5, 2024 11:15 by CoolG

Ahh thank you so much!! It's the first time I used a journalist approach ^^

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