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The Central Church

Written by CoolG1319

We are The Central Church, the ones who maintain and care for our beloved realm!
Inarguably the most prominent and powerful organisation in Caelumen, The Central Church is the head honcho of Caelumen, running, managing and controlling everything from trade, currency circulation, infrastructure development, information transmissions and much more.


The head of the organisation is Mother Mariam and is assisted by Aunty Bethany. They make important decisions regarding the well-being of Caelumen and control its economy. Below them are several other nuns and bishops who perform relatively minor jobs like organizing festivals and special events, collecting taxes and repairing damages, just to name a few. The lower the rank, the less important the task.


Every member of this group has special tasks assigned to them but in general, they maintain the upkeep of the Central Church they live in and run the territory it is stationed in.


Their uniform comprises of long flowing gowns or robes with long sleeves and tall, heeled boots. Their design differs depending on their race: Angels of Light sport white outfits adorned with gold and silver ribbons as well as sapphire and emerald buttons and cufflinks, Angels of Fire have pale red robes with copper and bronze ribbons in addition to ruby and amethyst buttons and cufflinks, Angels of Souls wear light grey gowns decorated with iron ribbons and opal buttons and Angels of Water dress in light blue robes beautified with blue ribbons and quartz buttons and cufflinks.

Higher-ups wear bolder colours and boast more extravagant adornments. Meanwhile, the Head Nun and her assistant sport diamond decorations, the rare gem chosen to signify their high status.

Public Agenda

Our main, and most important, goal is to bring happiness and prosperity to and improve the lives of every being!
This has been achieved by catering for injured soldiers by sending them food, water and other supplies, constructing multiple schools, clinics and banks and even introducing diamonds, once merely for decoration, as currency, greatly boosting Caelumen's economy.

Arguably, among the greatest things they have done is opening several Domums pro Pueris et Infantibus around the realm to simultaneously cater for infant souls and give them the chance to be adopted by a loving family and to solve the issue of a fast-growing population of them. Another great deed was forming the Electi Protectores, the first of its kind and the solution to frequent and deadly attacks on the human realm by demons.


Rumour has it that The Central Church has a giant vault hidden in the basement of one of the Central Churches where hordes of precious metals and gems, tomes containing secret and harmful knowledge, and various magical objects. They started when a former nun claimed to have worked for the organization in the past and stumbled upon the vault as she was cleaning.

The story quickly spread around the realm and reached the ears of the organization, who quickly denounced it.
As of late, we have been made aware of a ridiculous rumour going around regarding the existence and contents of a "hidden vault". We confidently assure you that this is completely false. We do have a large vault, yes, but it is not hidden, rather, access is restricted to the Higher ranks and while precious metals and jewels are indeed kept there, harmful knowledge, magical items and all of that blasphemous nonsense are not.

The person who started that ludicrous story will surely not get off lightly.
— A nun addressing the rumour
After this, the former nun wasn't seen again, apparently serving a lengthy community service as punishment.
We all work, toil and suffer all so you can have the best quality of life!
Founding Date
Unclear but they say as early as 3090 B.C.
Religious, Primacy
Alternative Names
The Head Church, The Sovereign Leaders
Government System
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities
Copper-Badge [img:5650241] by Blue Fairy 74


Author's Notes

This is a WIP; more will come soon!

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Aug 6, 2024 02:22 by Owen Davies

I love how vibrant and colourful the uniforms are, and yet such secrets and intrigue. Love it!

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Aug 6, 2024 10:09 by CoolG

Glad you liked ^^

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