
Favored by Healers and Halflings


Sinufae was the second daughter and fifth child of the Antecedent Mother of All. She is portrayed as a small statured beauty draped in silken robes with bandaged hands and a blindfold. In her artistic representations she was shown to be a sad figure, often painted with tears on her cheeks and bloodstains on her gown. She was said to be the most gracious and caring of the gods, often sacrificing parts of herself for the benefit of others. Her chosen people, the Halflings, suited her demeanor best of all, as they were simple, kind, and welcoming folk who would never turn away a stranger. She was tricked by her brothers and sisters into believing that the ritual that summoned the blight was merely an attempt to isolate the Seanachaisians from the Becht to avoid a war, but after it was done, it is said her heart was shattered and broken. She, unlike the other gods, fully intended to return after healing the goddess Shah, but her people were slaughtered in the weeks to follow the blight, and she has never returned. Some believe the grief of loss was too great and led to her demise, others that she herself went mad.

Divine Domains

The goddess of healing and hospitality

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Symbol A Bandaged Hand
  • Colors White and Red

Tenets of Faith

  • Holy Places Houses of Healing, Orphanages, and Shelters
  • Existing Houses of Worship None. The ruins of the Halfling settlements still have her now defaced shines, but with the death of that race, no one remained to carry her faith. The Benevolents often keep her symbol and memory as a source of inspiration.


Sinufae was not one to require such things from her followers, instead offering to them all she could. She kept no holy days nor required any ritual, but would honor every sacrifice made in the service of another's well being.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Current Residence
Long brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tawny light toned

Articles under Sinufae

Cover image: Sinufae by Midjourney


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