House Xyphus

House Xyphus is renowned for its mastery of architectural design and construction within the unique and challenging environment of Faaldintharrun.   They possess extensive knowledge of the subterranean geology, incorporating the natural formations of crags, stalactites, and mycelial networks into their designs.   The structures created by House Xyphus showcase both practicality and aesthetics, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings while providing functional living spaces and public areas. The architectural marvels crafted by House Xyphus often incorporate luminescent crystals, enchantments, and intricate carvings, adding a touch of magical splendor to their creations. Their structures can be found throughout the city, including opulent residences, grand civic buildings, and even bridges and walkways that traverse the cavernous expanse of Faaldintharrun. The attention to detail and the use of advanced engineering techniques set House Xyphus apart from other builders, making their creations highly sought after by both residents and visitors to Faaldintharrun.

We Guard The Way

Geopolitical, Clan
Parent Organization
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