
The subterranean city of Faaldintharrun is the largest in Fidach, and a exemplar of the beauty that can be found in Drow cities. Despite the association with Drow and Lolth, not all Drow are bound to the Spider Queen, at least not the queen as she is known in Faerun. The city has changed significantly since the unification of the kingdoms and clans of Fidach.     Faaldintharrun embraces a diverse and inclusive culture. The city's inhabitants, particularly the Drow, have moved away from the traditional association with Lolth and spiders. They have forged a new path of egalitarianism, valuing individual merit, cooperation, and unity. Cultural festivals and celebrations are held regularly, showcasing the rich tapestry of traditions, music, dance, and theater that flourishes within Faaldintharrun. The city's renowned academy of arcane and martial arts attracts students from far and wide, fostering a vibrant artistic and intellectual scene.


Drow: 65% Duergar:10% Tiefling: 8% Shadar Kai: 8% Kenku: 5% Others: 4%


Clan Amrallatha's seat is located at the heart of Faaldintharrun. Although Faaldintharrun was the last of the kingdoms to sign the unity treaty that formed Fidach, Clan Amrallatha has been a staunch defender of the pact and the Ceannard. The Deep Council, which ruled Faaldintharrun, still exists. Though they are loyal to the Ceannard, they are protective of Faaldintharrun and are unwilling to give up further autonomy. As such matters concerning the law are a complicated matter in Faaldintharrun.  

Industry & Trade

Faaldintharrun serves as a thriving hub of commerce within Fidach. Its extensive mining operations, led by the Duergar, extract precious gemstones, ores, and magical crystals that are highly sought after throughout the realm. Skilled craftsmen and enchanters from Faaldintharrun produce exceptional items, including magical fabrics, potent potions, and weapons imbued with elemental powers. The city's central marketplace, located in a massive cavern chamber, offers a mesmerizing spectacle of colorful stalls and enchanting melodies.  

Guilds and Factions

Faaldintharrun is home to several notable noble houses, each contributing their unique skills and influence to the city's tapestry:  

House N'kthezzod

Skilled in stealth, espionage, and information gathering. Lord Geskar N'kthezzod: Head of House N'kthezzod and a charismatic leader in Faaldintharrun.  

House Daelthore

Renowned for their mastery of arcane arts and the study of ancient eldritch knowledge. Lady Elara Daelthore: Head of House Daelthore, renowned for her expertise in forbidden knowledge and eldritch arts.  

House Xyphus

Known for their exceptional architectural craftsmanship and the creation of splendid structures. Lord Ignis Xyphus: Master smith and leader of House Xyphus, responsible for crafting awe-inspiring structures.  

House Salorrin

Proficient in healing arts, herbalism, and alchemy. Lady Seraphina Salorrin: Head of House Salorrin, respected for her healing abilities and advances in alchemical research.

Points of interest

Temple of the Weave: A grand temple dedicated to the deities associated with magic and the Weave, serving as a center for arcane studies and spiritual enlightenment. The Twilight Bazaar: A vibrant night market operated by the Shadar Kai, renowned for its elusive and unique merchandise. Cavern of Whispers: A mystical cavern believed to hold ancient secrets and profound prophecies, often visited by sages and seers seeking divine guidance.  


Faaldintharrun is situated within a vast underground cavern, adorned with towering stalactites and stalagmites that create a breathtaking backdrop for the city. The architecture of Faaldintharrun is a true marvel, characterized by intricate spiderweb-like patterns, delicate carvings, and luminescent crystals that bathe the city in an ethereal glow. The main thoroughfares are wide, elegant avenues adorned with bioluminescent plants, further enhancing the surreal atmosphere of the city. Multiple levels and districts are interconnected by grand bridges, winding tunnels, and magical transportation systems, creating a sprawling underground metropolis.


  • Faaldintharrun
Location under
Owning Organization


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