Clan Amrallatha

Clan Amrallatha is the primary representative of Faaldintharrun in Fidach. Although Faaldintharrun was the last of the kingdoms to sign the unity treaty that formed Fidach, Clan Amrallatha has been a staunch defender of the pact and the Ceannard. Lord Vralnak Amrallatha represents the clan, however it is a poorly kept secret that his mate Lord Geskar N'kthezzod holds court in Faaldintharrun. Although there are some that view Clan Amrallatha, or any who support the unified kingdom, with disdain, none have shown the courage to challenge Clan Amrallatha's standing as protectors of Faaldintharrun.

Burzum gimbatul naitë (Truth is found in darkness)

Geopolitical, Clan
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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