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Azure Dawn

This organization is the only sanctioned collective that can teach the use of magic in the Holy Kingdom of Azamel. Its primary campus is located in Azamel and is simply known as the Azure Dawn Institute.   Founded not long after the kingdom, the Azure Dawn was meant to bring order to the study of magic. Magic in the kingdom was originally seen as an affront to the gods, as how could anything good come from mere mortals tampering with divine design. Within the first century of the kingdom's founding there was an amazing discovery. Several tombs of various priests and saints that were thought lost to the ages were rediscovered. To the surprise of the budding country journals, manuscripts, and lectures found in these tombs showed cautious encouragement of the arcane practices. Specifically, this encouragement seemed to come from Rashim whose domain was knowledge.
All talents bestowed on a mortal are ultimately divine in nature. If one wishes to apply their talents in the aid of the light it would be foolish to prevent them from doing so. You know the enemy will not hesitate to do so. - Rashim, spoken to and recorded by Saint Ianor Lockfort


Unlike many educational organizations for the arcane in the world, the Azure Dawn is not an incredibly expensive school to attend. They seek talent instead of profit and have a goal to make sure that anyone born with the gift of arcane magic learns how to employee it safely. As such they have an annual aptitude exam on the first day of the year. Anyone who scores high enough is encouraged to attend. If they continue to show improvement and their instructors see fit they are welcomed to continue attending in subsequent years. Outside of that the only other way to be banned from the school is to practice illegal magic. Of course being banned form the school would be the least of your worries for such an infraction.    

Legal Subjects of Study

The school demonstrates and educates a little bit about each school of magic so that its pupils can recognize spells from each area. When it comes to allowed practice though they severely limit the studies of Evocation, Illusion, and outright ban the school of Necromancy. If students enter the military in their later years they they are provided larger access to training in the schools of Evocation or Illusion. Even schools that are allowed have limitations to their uses. The law essentially establishes boundaries around the use of magic that prohibit immoral use of magic especially at the expense of someone else.    


As mentioned prior the school of Necromancy is largely forbidden from the Kingdom. The only exception to this rule are wizards who have proven themselves trustworthy to the Kingdom over decades of service. If a wizard proves themselves under the watchful eye of Rashim they are allowed to study (but not practice) necromancy. While it is dangerous to allow such a study, it has proven pivotal in combating dark forces who would use this magic to attack the Kingdom or its citizens.    
The enemy has many allies that skulk through the shadows. To eradicate them you must understand them. Seek the purpose of each action and the means of each movement. Once you understand them you can spot the critical threads of their existence... and severe them. - Rashim, spoken to and recorded by Saint Ianor Lockfort

Power through Truth

Educational, School/Academy
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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