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The grand capital of the Holy Kingdom of Azamel Currently ruled by King Thomas Adras who resides in the castle and has always been lauded as a fair and just ruler.  


The city is broken into multiple districts. While not intentional, living in certain districts generally express an individual's class in the society. Districts also formed as a means of grouping production/work environments.

The Delandre District

The majority of this district is walled off from the common folk. Outside of the castle there is no finer area to live in. Most of the highest class citizens live in this area and enjoy lavish estates, fine venues, and exquisite shops with premium wares. Many of the denizens here own businesses or are involved with international/intercontinental trade.

The Law Grounds

This district functions as the town square of sorts. It has large open amphitheaters for public announcements, civic buildings, and as the name implies houses a majority of the cities law-related structures such as courts, guild halls, and the Solemn Light prison. Due to the more strictly controlled study of magic in the kingdom this is also the location of the Azure Dawn Institute. The Azure Dawn is the only sanctioned magic school system of the kingdom. They had just expanded to create a satellite campus in Vecora.

The Commons

This district is the polar opposite of the Delandre. Primarily housing the city's poor and lower class citizens. The homes here are mostly single room houses, or in some cases shacks. While they have less in terms of coin the community of the Commons can be a sight of inspiration to some. Sure they have a higher crime rate, but for the most part the Commons watch after each other. It is no surprise that this district popped up near the Sticks. Majority of its denizens are dock hands. In an effort to improve the Commons a number of civil projects have taken place, but the most recent is the construction of a new school. Few of the folk in the commons are well educated beyond the basics.

The Sticks (Docks)

On the eastern side of the city lies a wide stretch of wooden piers. The docks, a.k.a the Sticks, are a vibrant part of Azamel. As the only kingdom city with direct access to the coast this is the only port for goods directly imported to the kingdom. This means it is also highly controlled by the kingdom. Still in the Sticks, but further from the water you will find mostly warehouses were incoming trade is often stored while caravans are secured.

The Maiden-Market District

The Maiden mentioned here is a direct mention of The Anvil Maiden. As a goddess of craft, workmanship, and all things made for function her presence is almost inescapable here. The district houses plenty production facilities, but also storefronts for said production. You can find most anything at the Maiden-Market.

The Tarna District

If Delandre is the upper crust and the Commons are the lower crust, Tarna is the sweet goodness in the middle. Primarily middle class workers, the denizens of the Tarna District have a work-hard-play-hard philosophy. Most of them are skilled in specific trades and decently educated. Some of the more humble wealthy make their home in this area as well if they wish to avoid the limelight.

The Farm Belt

Outside the walls of the city exist multiple rural communities. Fields and orchards produce a great deal of the local food. Due to this, and its exposed nature outside the walls, the Belt is constantly patrolled by the royal guard. There are also a number of watch towers set to its exterior edge.


As the capital of the Kingdom the castle is the most protected point of the city and outside of its walls has the running water moat of the river. The outer rim of the city is defended by a thick wall made of stone and iron that is roughly 30 feet wide in most places. It has numerous towers along it that provide ample sight and advantage against assaults. A strong naval presence is used to secure the bay area of the docs. Not the largest navy, but definitely not to be taken lightly, the king has several 8 cannon Caravel ships and a 14 cannon hulking warship that serves as the flagship.   Beyond those standard means of defense some say the city has further protection offered by the gods. While believed by most, it has never been seen by the current populace.
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