
God of the Dead, Judgement, and the Afterlife.

Lord of the Lucent Spire

Kelemvor is the Imperial god of the dead, the afterlife and judge of the dead. He resides in the Lambent Spire at the center of Mandos, the City of the Dead.
  He has three massive hellhounds given to him by the Overlord of Hell as part of an old accord who guard the city from demons and other entities seeking to steal the souls of the dead away from within the walls of Mandos. These hounds names are Naraa, Rayiha, and Udhin and they guard the gates and outskirts of the city with extreme prejudice.

Tenets of Faith

Kelemvor stands for the eradication of undead and the natural death of mortals. His clergy is tasked with destroying all undead and those unrepentant who brashly wield the powers of life and death to make such abominations. They also are taught to ease the pain of those near death. They do not actively seek to stop people from dying, and it is uncommon for a priest of the Doomsayer to use such resurrection magic on someone, but they do not actively work to cause death if they can prevent it.
  • Death is a part of life. Embrace it. Do not avoid it but neither rush it's coming.
  • Hunt the Undead and those who use such abominations.
  • Ease the suffering of the dying.
  • Punish the guilty, right the wrong, be true in your judgement.

Church of Kelemvor


Kelemvor is not as widely worshiped as his fellow deity of death, Valkyr, due to his domain being over the dead and the afterlife. Those who do worship the Doomsman are usually practitioners of law - specifically judges - inquisitors and paladins who hunt the undead, morticians and gravekeepers, mourners and the dying, and those who care for the dying.  


Priests, inquisitors, and paladins make up the main clergy of Kelemvor. While the job of inquisitors and paladins are fairly straight-forward, priests can act as anything from a judge to a councilor of those who have lost loved ones to a gravekeeper. They tend to wear garb of grey and white, and are often solitary in their work when not hunting undead leading them to be viewed as outcasts by many.  

Temples and Shrines

Temples to Kelemvor tend to be built around or inside graveyards and are sturdy stone buildings with little in the way of opulence. They act as visitation areas and courthouses as well as temples. Most who visit are there for a recently departed or to seek ways to gain absolution before their final judgement.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Kelemvor is identified as a male humanoid in long, figure-obscuring robes, a hood hanging low over his head, what of his face is visible from under the hood is expressionless, not cold, simply impartial. At his feet sits a great, grim dog.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kelemvor was raised to deific status after the fall of Nerull at the hands of Valkyr, the Raven Queen. Distrustful of another deity holding so much power over souls of the dead, the gods made Valkyr relinquish much of her new-found power, granting the duties of guardian and judge of the dead to Kelemvor who was formerly a divine servitor of Lethene. He took Nerull's old plane of residence, the Boneyard, and reformed it from the ground up into an impossibly large city of grey surrounding a grand crystalline tower where he sits in judgement of each soul to determine their appropriate afterlife.


Contacts & Relations

Kelemvor has a working relationship with Valkyr, the Raven Queen, who delivers the souls of the dead to his plane to be judged, but it's neither a fond nor antagonistic relationship.
Reshkigal, Lord of Hell, is the only god known to have a direct, permanent portal connected to Mandos. An agreement long ago allows devils of the Old Serpent to make deals with souls yet to move on. It is unknown what Kelemvor gets in return for this agreement.
Vestus holds one of the branches of his domain within the Grey City, collecting the stories of dead souls and giving them a place to unload any secrets they kept while alive.
Lethene, being his former master, has a healthy relationship with Kelemvor, but it has grown to be little more than professional, as many things tend to be with the goddess of civilization.
Xirius is among the greatest of Kelemvor's enemies. The god of undeath stands for everything that Kelemvor is against and as such it is commonplace for clerics of Kelemvor to actively seek out worshipers of Xirius in the hopes to stop the spread of necromancy.
Title(s): The Final Judge, Master of the Lucent Spire, Safeguard of the Dead
  Symbol: A skeletal hand holding a scale, A skeletal hand holding a sword
  Adjective: Kelemvoran
  Realm: The Grey City of Mandos
  Alignment: Law
  Areas of Concern: The dead, judgement, repose, the afterlife, memory, mistakes, absolution
  Worshipers: Judges, the dying, gravekeepers, undead hunters, mourners
  Domains: Grave, Order, Balance*
  Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword (longsword)
  Sacred Animal: Beetle
  Sacred Monster: Grim Hounds
  Sacred Colors: Grey
  Sacred Minerals: Quartz
  Constellation: The Scales

Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization


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