Isle of the Lake

Isle of the Lake is a little known, oft forgotten isle on the southeastern side of the Maelstrom Sea. The isle, shrouded in mist is both unknown and forgotten because any who come across it forget it upon leaving. It shows up on few maps, and is mostly explained away as a stain or mistake when it is seen.   the prison is carved from a cave of crystal but the "cells" are pools of water (ie: world between worlds). are they all on the ground?


The isle is relatively small, only 13 miles across, with dense forests covering a hilly landscape with valleys of swamplands. Several lakes, one major lake near the center, dot the island.


Being a subtropical forest with intermittent swampy valleys, seasonal floodplains, frequent rains and a humid climate, the island is rich in life of all kinds. Big cats (jaguars), deer, foxes, monkeys, fish, a veritable amount of aquatic life (river dolphins, manatees, and crocodiles), many forms of amphibians and reptiles, and a wide variety of birds. To an outsider, the island would seem almost crowded with life.

Ecosystem Cycles

Between the months of Cold Advent and Enkindling the island in inundated with rain and floods, creating a breeding ground for the many aquatic species.

Localized Phenomena

The entire island is shrouded in mist as part of a defensive enchantment that both hides it from the outside world and has some strange enchantment weaved into it that causes memory of the island to pass from those who leave it. Additionally, those who step on the island feel growing sensation of dread and inhospitality ambiently.
In truth, the sensation of dread and inhospitality are exuded from the island's genius loci.


Before the fall of Eldaria, the island was part of a small range of mountains and the northern region of the island began the official borders of the Mithras Dynasty. Just to the northwest of the island, a city once sat, now half sunken into the ocean while the rest sits on an outlying island.
Following its destruction, the island remained hidden from the outside world, not attempted to be settled again for several centuries. However, the few attempts it has been found and attempted to be settled have ended in misfortune for the settlers.

The Warden

The organization that once lived in the region of mountains this island now resides in was known as the Nivimanda. They set their headquarters here at the edge of the borders of two great dynasties, hidden from both. Here they kept their prison for threats deamed to either immortal or too dangerous to let die. The three main orders of the organization - the divine, natural, and arcane - each made thier own defenses to add to the location both in conjunction with each other and to thwart any attempt by another to overtake the prison. One such defense was the animated genius loci of the region summoned forth and given intellect and form. It is more ancient than those who summoned it likely thought, powerful both physically and mystically, and has remained at its charge since its designation was given.

The Order of the Lake

When Eldaria fell and arcane magic was rendered inaccessable during the Dearth, the remaining members of the organization that lived where this island resides, the Nivimanda, became fragmented, the arcanists that once held the highest power were brought low while the druids, rangers and few holy people of the organization that were present there suddenly had their stations rise exponentially. After a time of conflict, the druidic order of the Nivimanda became the central leadership. They placed the island under their care and those remaining would become a new order, the Order of the Lake, dedicated to ensuring that none find the secrets of the island.
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