Geode Vault

Geode Vault is a secret prison held under the Isle of Lakes, believed to be created in the Age of Magic by a group of Eldar known as the Nivimanda for the purpose of holding powerful threats that either could not be killed, were too dangerous to be dealt with more directly, or were interplanar threats incapable of being killed permenantly on the Mortal Plane.
  The Vault is a cave system that spreads beneath the Isle of the Lake and possibly beyond, existing both within the Mortal Plane and the Veil. It is formed as caverns with walls and ceilings layered in crystal with floors covered in fine grass with tree-like structures growing out and branching into the ceiling above. Each "cell" of the prison is in the form of a circular pool where the inmates are contained in various ways from a sleep-like stasis to a continual punishment in various forms. Most prisoners are held under a sleep-like stasis.
  There are three levels to the prison, each of which hold much fewer and more dangerous entities within them. The first layer held what the Warden describes as creatures of little concequence, often questioned by them as to why they would be held. These include captured Eld'ri, half-demons capable of powerful magic during the Age of Magic - including their matriarch, a half-balor arch-mage and sorceress - , a Surya corrupted by the Abyssal Plague, and an aspiring archdevil. The second level holds a handful of greater threats, one assumed to be an archdevil, while another seemed to be a self-imprisoned former member of the Nivimanda who held the Mask of the Infinite. The lowest level could only be accessed when all three Nivimandan Leaders agreed to allow access and held a few, or possibly just one, even greater threats.   The prison is under the care of a creature known simply as The Warden, who was known to the former inhabitants of the island as a protector spirit of the waters of the island.   In the year 4 DIV, the adventuring party known as the Anemones thwarted the plans of a pirate captain, Emilio Vacca, who sought to use the power of an artifact he had stollen to access the prison and gain power from the inabitants in order to break his infernal contract with Baalzebul. In so doing, the party also imprisoned a rebellious devil, Ia'Affrathes, who sought to help Captain Vacca in exchange for access to more dangerous entities locked away within the prison.
  Following the defeat of Captain Vacca, the Anemones were able to release and cure an imprisoned Surya, and release the warden from the magical bonds holding them in servitude to the bearers of three Eldaran artifacts formerly held by the Nivimanda leaders.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the Hollow is to contain that which is too dangerous to allow to roam. For the purposes of the Nivimanda, the
Alternative Names
Crystal Prison, Nimue's Basin
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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