The Dream

The Dream is a realm of thought and memory where the unconscious mind travels to when the body sleeps. It is a vast, infinite space in which bubbles of memory and thought reside for each person and each event, great or small. It is watched over by the goddess of dreams, Seiður (only one of her many names), who protects the memories and unconscious thoughts from those who would invade or disturb them.   Seers, soothsayers, prophets, and the like are said to be able to use the Dream in a way to predict the future, read the weave of fate, and uncover the past, though how many of these people truly hold that power is another issue entirely.   In the center of the Dream, amidst a swirling black vortex of chaos, lies the Nightmare, a portion of the dream in which the god of chaos, madness, and nightmares, the Chained Twilight, is bound. Within the Voidgem he is sealed, but even within his prison, the power of the god of madness is able to leak out and corrupt the Dream they once wished to dominate.
Alternative Name(s)
Dreamscape, The Dreaming
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Contested By

Articles under The Dream

Cover image: Polymorphous by Noah Bradley


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