The Black Throne

As unnerving as their name may seem, the Black Throne is a highly respected organization among Clan Okse with reputation that spreads far beyond the clan's borders. Relatively small, the Black Throne is an order of warriors who excel in the ancient teachings of war that Clan Okse still holds. A purely Askarn organization, aspirants of the Throne are the best of the best and must go through challenge after challenge to be considered a full member of the order.     The Black Throne currently works with Okse military to repel jotun from their lands.


The Black Throne is dedicated to war and battle and act as mercenaries. They fight for who pays them, but they will do so their way. They are not about selling away their honor for gold.
“A mercenary sells a sword without honor. The Black Throne sells honor, hardened for war.”
They also seek to preserve the Askarn customs of war and history by teaching new members, and recovering and keeping safe relics from the Askarn's past that have been lost over the ages through war or other means. They are rumored to have a vault of relics somewhere taken from enemies and heroes alike.


Always keep your honor. We do not sell our blades forsaking our honor. We sell our honor, honed for war.
Show your bravery. Never run from a fight you can win. Never show fear in the face of a weaker opponent.
Do not forsake your brothers and sisters in battle. Never abandon other members of the Throne.
Leave clan and family disputes behind. We are an organization of many backgrounds. Though most now may hail from Kynland, we work for those willing to pay and cannot give in to our personal or clan squabbles. Neither among ourselves or in our work.


  1. Blood Fueds between families do not exist within the Throne. Should one emerge a ranking member will act as final word on the dispute.
  2. Wars, grudges, or disputes between clans do not exist within the Throne. Should one emerge between members a ranking member will act as final word on the dispute.
  3. None but members and aspirants of the Black Throne may enter the Citadel's halls unless granted access by the leader or acting leader.
  4. Any member may challenge the current leader at any time for leadership of the Black Throne and the leader must agree, but they can be given time up to 8 days to recover from battle wounds. Exceptions may be made for grievous injury. Also, a challenge may not follow another challenge directly unless the current leader accepts (going by same rules as above for injuries.). This is so none take advantage of the state of the leader following a battle or injury, by fighting them in a state that is less than optimal.
  5. The Black Throne does not split their forces in times of war. If we fight, we fight for one side and only one.
  6. The Black Throne will not betray a client. If during war or work the allegiances of the Black Throne shift, those in the field will remove themselves from their positions without hostility so long as no hostility is shown them. This may also include the repayment of the client's fee up to the full amount.


  Members of the Black Throne range in style and skill. Some are paladins, fighters, berserkers, monks, rangers or others, but all focus on martial excellence over all else. An Askarn only organization, the Throne is almost entirely - if not entirely - composed of Clan Okse members.


The Black Throne is lead by a single person known as the Vinignýr, or Master of the Fray. The Vinignýr is the most senior of the members, meaning the greatest of the warriors of the Black Throne, this is usually the one who has earned the most glory and completed the most exceptional deeds. At any point the current Vinignýr can be challenged by any member of the order for their place and must accept the challenge.
    The current Vinignýr is Hjordis the Valkyr. She has sat on the Black Throne for several years - longer than most - regardless of her many challengers.


Aspirant: A fledgling member of the Black Throne not yet proven in battle by ordeal.
Oathsworn: A member that has proven their worth.
Battleborn: A veteran member that has seen many years of combat.
Honorbrand: Highest rank achieved under
Stríðsher (Warlord): Leader of a Black Throne keep. A Warlord is an appointed leader of governing a Black Throne fort. Each has absolute control over their fortress and answer only to the Vinignýr.
Vinignýr (Master of the Fray): Leader of the Black Throne.

Additional Ranks

Relicwarden: Keeps, maintains, and searches out new places/artifacts important to askarn/Nordic history
Archivewarden: Keeper of documents and books.
Staðgen: Assistant and second to the leader of a fortress. Often held by an Honorbrand, but chosen by the leader.
Vaultkeeper: Keeper of the Black Throne vault. Often held by an Honorbrand.
Hersir (general title): Commander of a large group of warriors. Usually the leader of an expedition/job. Usually held by the most experienced/highest ranking member of the expedition. The Vinignyr or Stridsher can choose the leader of missions should they choose.
Founding Date
Long ago
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
The Throne
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Symbol of Membership
Forged black iron ring with runes
  Other Members
Gudbrandr of the Valleys


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