
All-Father Odin (a.k.a. the High One)

"I know that I hung on a windy tree nine long nights, wounded with a spear, dedicated to Odin, myself to myself, on that tree of which no man knows from where its roots run."
  The leader of the Aesir and greatest of the Nordic deities, forever searching for knowledge of all things. He is a god of war, poetry, magic, wisdom, sacrifice, and ecstasy. He favors those who are strong of will, intelligent, and cunning. When not travelling away from his home, he rules the Aesir from Asgard and keeps watch over his realm of Valhalla where the elite chosen by him go after their death upon the mortal plane.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Most commonly an open blue eye, but also represented by a pair of ravens, and sometimes a shining spear.

Tenets of Faith

  • Search for knowledge and wisdom. But do not become cold to the world in your pursuit of it.
  • Use your cunning. Make use of your intellect to appreciate the universe in all it's splendor.
  • Practice self-reliance. One should not rely on the favor of Odin or take the gods' favor for granted, nor rely on either to achieve victory.
  • Immerse yourself in life's experiences. Lose yourself in the sensations of life and the emotions that accompany it.
Those who call out to Odin, do so often in battle as he is the ruler of Asgard and Valhalla where the most elite warriors in life go to spend their afterlife in constant battle and revelry among the gods.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Odin's ultimate goal is to acquire all knowledge and wisdom of the universe. His unending curiosity is what led him to sacrifice his eye and hang himself from a tree for nine days, and it causes him to take frequent trips out of Asgard to other worlds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Due to his great respect for the trickster god, Odin has made an oath with Loki naming him brother and giving him free reign to enter and leave Asgard as he wishes, much to the rest of the Aesir's disapproval.
  • He gave his eye at the Well of Mimir beneath the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil, for a drink of it's waters so that he may receive a deeper understanding of the universe. Though successful, this only expanded his desire for knowledge.
  • He hung himself from Yggdrasil, wounded by a spear, to discover the secrets of the runes.
  • He actively works to avoid his fate at Ragnarok, to be devoured by the Dread Wolf Fenrir, the son of Loki that he ordered to be chained by the dwarf deity Ivaldi .
  • In order to end the war between the Aesir and the Vanir, he married the Vanir queen Freyja who bore his son Baldur.
  • He has more than once been expelled from Asgard by the other Aesir for his actions outside of its walls. During this time, Tyr often takes his place as ruler of Asgard.


Family Ties

  • Freyja - Wife
  • Thor - Son
  • Baldr - Son
  • Vidar - Son
  • Týr - Son
  • Loki - Blood-brother
Divine Classification
Aesir God
One missing eye, uncovered, and one bright, pale blue eye.
Long, grey.
Aligned Organization
Title(s): High One, Old One-Eye, Wise One, Father of the Slain, Master of Ecstasy
Symbol: A blue watchful eye
  Realm: Valhalla and Asgard (Paradise)
  Alignment: Neutral
  Areas of Concern: Knowledge, war, poetry, magic, wisdom, sacrifice, ecstasy, travel, roguery
  Worshipers: Bards, warriors, barbarians, philosophers, runeweavers (wizards), spellcasters, sages, rogues
  Domains: Knowledge, Arcana, Tempest, War, Trickery
  Favored Weapon: Spear
  Sacred Animal: Raven
  Constellation: Watchful Eye



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