
Tyr is the stoic god of justice, duty, honor, war, strategy, trust, and difficult decisions. He is seen as the most honorable of the Aesir and presides over law and order, at times more than Odin himself as he is often preoccupied with his own goals. He lost his hand to Fenrir when the gods tricked him into being chained.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A right hand, upward-pointed sword, and the Tiwaz rune are all associated with the god Tyr.

Tenets of Faith

  • Reveal truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong. Always be true and just in your actions.
  • Uphold law. Wherever you go, punish those who do wrong under just law.
  • Weigh your actions carefully. And remember that not every situation has a pleasant solution.
Followers of Tyr often act as paladins or lawspeakers at assemblies. Followers are known to carve "victory runes" into their weapons invoking Tyr's name while doing so.  

Temples and Shrines

Shrines to the Justicebringer are often in the form of places of judgement or where laws of a land are written.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Missing right hand from when Fenrir bit it off after the Aesir refused to unchain him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Tyr looked after the wolf Fenrir when Odin ordered the beast be taken from Asgard until he broke free of his watcher and began rampaging about the worlds.
  • He is best known for his role in the chaining of the Dread Wolf. After several attempts, the gods had a cord forged by the dwarven god Ivaldi and tricked Fenrir into testing his strength against it. Distrustful of the gods' continuing attempts to "test" him, he made one stipulation: Tyr, his friend, watcher, and most trusted god would place his hand in the wolf's mouth, suffering injury if the gods refused to unbind him if he failed to break their new chain. Tyr agreed and Fenrir was bound. When he was unable to break the cord and the gods refused to unbind him he bit off Tyr's hand.
  • Tyr often takes Odin's place upon the throne of Asgard when the Wise One journeys far from his home.
  • It is believed by some that Tyr had a hand in the creation of the first lawful dragons.


Contacts & Relations

  • Once friend now enemy of the wolf Fenrir.
  • Rival of the Jotun god Loki.
  • Ally of the goddess Var with whom he shares an affiliation with oaths and promises.

Family Ties

  • Odin - Father
  • Thor - Brother
  • Baldr - Brother
  • Vidar - Brother
  • Bragi - Brother
  • Divine Classification
    Aesir God
    Aligned Organization
    Title(s): The Even-handed, Wounded One, Lord of Justice,   Symbol: An upturned sword   Realm: The Court of Asgard   Alignment: Lawful   Areas of Concern: Law, order, patience, war, sacrifice, difficult decisions, dragons   Worshipers: Paladins, lawspeakers, jarls and kings, guards, bounty hunters, warriors   Domains: War, order   Favored Weapon: Longsword   Sacred Animal: Aurochs   Constellation: Right Hand of Justice  
    • Bahamut (Imperial)
    • Hara'ki (Bomulli)

    Character Portrait image: by Andrea Guardino


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