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Northern of Arthelion

Where the virtue of hope never falters

Created by Timmovits
The continent of man and elves, it is a vast and rich continent with many different landscapes and biomes. it is home to the largest diversity in races but is the original origin point of Elves and humans. currently the homeplace to the following playable races; Elves, Humans, Gnomes, Haflings, Orcs and dwarves, though certaintly not limited by those.  

Regions of Northern Arthelion:

Central Arthelion:
Northern Arthelion
The northern part of Arthelions main landmass, home to humans, elfs, orcs, dwarves and everything inbetween.   For a better interactive version:
  The Isle of Gnomandy: The home of the Gnomes
Arthelion - Isle of Gnomandy
The Island home of the Gnome race, under the mountain Mount Nevermind, the gnomes live and makes their machines deep underneath. Because of the limited space, once a gnome reaches adulthood, they are send away from the isle, until they make a piece of technology worthy of a return.
The Isle of Kelt Home to a secluded society of humans
Arthelion - Isle of Kelt
A proud simplistic human dominated island, with very few non-human inhabitants, Once the site of a sinister power, now only ruins remains on the center of the isle.


Arthelion has a very diverse landscape from the dwarven citis Nür Tarum, Halodár and Vigram to the north below a massive Mountain range of the SkyPeak mountains, to the vast forest of Myriesha to the east, home of the wood elves and the city Keltyran.

Age of darkness

1000 0

  • Dates unknown
    The Dark times

    Many wild animals and creatures dies in this period or disappear without warning or explanation, most of the written texts of the time are missing and no explanation has been made since, one of the creatures missing from this period were the supposed dragons.

Age of Change

1 and beyond

  • 1118

    The rift of Pelanor plains
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 3012

    Estia's Mana

    Founding of the great hall

    humans on Arthelion founded the great hall at the very center of the land, named after the first king among men, it was named Lycus hall. This is up to the present day used as the keep of justice and as the capital’s main seat of power.

  • 3102

    The cataclysm of Bethexa
    Disaster / Destruction

    Dwarves arrive to Arthelion from their homelands of Bethexa

  • 3109

    Orc invasion
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 3114

    the alliance of Evador
    Military action
  • 3115

    The Council of Evador is founded
    Diplomatic action
  • 4095

    Elistraee' Splendor

    The Separation of elves
    Cultural event
  • 4123


    Documentation of all known creatures is written.
    Civil action

    A global research and documentation of all creatures is funded by the Council of evador

  • 4145

    Game outcomes=-Age of flames

    The volcano island of Velantis in the northern part of Arthelion has a major earthquake, from which a Dragon lifts off and attacks the coast city of North Fork. The attack is repelled, but the dragon flies on to attack the town of Lindel, annihilating it. The dragon lies dead and its remains now decorate the halls at the high king’s castle. A group of heroes journeys, together with the soldiers stationed at North Fork, toward the island to find the dragons lair. little is know what happened on the island, only the heroes made it out of there, together with a Brass Dragon whom they apparently freed from captivity.

  • 4146

    Gate of shadow is found and opened =Game outcome=
  • 4388

    Re-colonization of Bethexa

  • 4413

    21 Kyra's Storm

    Game outcomes - Crooked machines
    Discovery, Exploration

    a group of adventurers is founded to explore a mystical tower discovered in an area previously covered in The Eternal Mist

  • 4413

    Celtorem's Finest

    The dreaded Crusade returns

    A Herald of a dark lady appears together with an army of dread crusaders, and lay siege to Astalor. Old Records describe a similar army dubbed The Dreaded crusaders.

  • 4414

    Helias' Light

    The flying citadel Mekhasil leaves Arthelion with a course for Bethexa

    The keepers, along with adventurers from the Calixar guild leaves for Bethexa.   For more info, check the Bethexa timeline.

  • 4414

    Morpheus' Endless

    Calixar, guild leader of the adventure guild goes missing

  • 4414

    1 Morpheus' Endless

    King Lysander Arthodan, last of his name, dies


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