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Polsok Feya

Colloquially: Elves/Half-Fey   While most Fey are completely content to be dangerous and enigmatic in the woods, there are some Fey, usually Wild types, who settle down in human populated villages. Some do this because there is a certain safety the Human villages can afford, and the discomfort of being surrounded on all sides by Mundanes and solasigh is better than the alternatives.   Occasionally, Court Fey fleeing some type of punishment will turn up in human villages, where they will generally be left alone, as it’s generally accepted by the Fey Courts that being surrounded by Humans is punishment enough to prevent anyone from going to retrieve them.   Other instances of Fey living amongst humans also include the occasional Changeling child, though this isn’t nearly as common as some myths would have one assume. Most cases of alleged Changeling children are actually cases where one parent in the union is secretly Fey and the other is an unsuspecting Human.   In any case, the predictable outcome is the same. Eventually, someone will take a fancy to the new village beauty, or the Fey will take a shine to a particular human, and children tend to come not long after.

Basic Information


Half-Fey come in two distinct varieties:   Nachklonev Feya or Fey-Inclined: those who possess the ability to perform Fey-Magic. These Half-Fey generally tend to be unnervingly beautiful, though humanoid in shape with very little ability to change their appearance. Generally, Nachklonev Feya tend to be weak to salt, solasigh and iron in the same ways their Fey ancestors are, though to a lesser extent. Unfortunately, this means most Nachklonev Feya are stuck in Lumin, due to their inability to get through the Cold Iron barriers that make up the Luminese Borders, though this rarely affects them in the same manner that full-blooded Fey are. As with full Fey, Nachklonev Feya are unable to tell an outright falsehood, though they can stretch the truth quite far as long as they personally believe what they’re saying.   Nachklonev Feya is also Luminese slang for someone that is considered ‘too pretty’. Because of this, the meaning is often muddled for non-Luminese peoples.   Nachklonev Lemvok or Human-Inclined: those who do not possess any Magical ability, Fey or otherwise. These Half-Fey tend to look more human than their counterparts, though their appearance does still retain some of the nebulous features common to the Fey, like changing eye-colour or ambiguous age. Nachklonev Lemvok are not weak to iron, solasigh, or salt and are able to travel freely outside Lumin’s borders, as well as over the ocean. They can also tell lies, unlike Nachklonev Feya, though anecdotal evidence would suggest that they don’t generally indulge.   While both types of Half-Fey are more or less human, they may occasionally exhibit Fey-like habits, such as having the occasional craving for honey and milk, or rare meat.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-Fey age slower than humans, though the exact rate is unknown and seems to vary from person to person. While they do routinely outlive humans by several decades, even the most careful Half Fey would not be able to live as long as a full blooded Fey.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

It's been theorized that Half-Fey blood would be just as strong a Magical Ingredient as full Fey blood, but due to the nature of Luminese communities, even if a person is known to be Half-Fey, no one would ever allow them to be hurt for the sake of testing this theory. This is not only to evade the Fey’s wrath, but also because Half-Fey or not, Luminese communities take care of their own.

Facial characteristics

About as varied as humans, though Nachklonev Feya tend to swing closer to unsettlingly perfect, while Nachklonev Lemvok tend to stray toward relatively boring.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Nachklonev Feya are basically trapped in Othanan, but can be found in both Lumin and Yvesland. There are some Nachklonev Feya in places like Finnaden, but they tend to be no more than a quarter Fey in these cases.   Nachklonev Lemvok are more or less free to travel around the continent, as well as over the sea, and as such, can potentially be found anywhere. However, most Nachklonev Lemvok prefer to stay within the Onathanian continent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Both Nachklonev Feya and Nachklonev Lemvok may have slightly elevated senses, though how elevated is dependent on the individual in question. Generally speaking, most Half-Fey function close enough to Humans that they’re never called out over their ancestry—and indeed, most, if not all Luminese would prefer not to risk angering said ancestors by doing so.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Nachklonev Feya aren’t nearly as vain as their full blooded counterparts, though they are generally aware of their own appearance. In this vein, many Nachklonev Feya tend to latch onto and obsess over a specific facet of their appearance — for example, a Nachklonev Feya with fine blonde hair may become incredibly picky about how their hair is styled and who touches it, while another may obsess over their clothing.   Nachklonev Lemvok aren’t as particular about their appearances as Nachklonev Feya are, and seem perfectly happy to ascribe to human ideals of beauty.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

A person with any amount of Fey blood is considered to be Half-Fey, though the effects Fey blood has on a person’s outward appearance and magical ability lessen the more diluted they bloodline is. This applies to both Nachklonev Feya and Nachklonev Lemvok. Nachklonev Feya tend to be less trusted outside their communities, at least on Othanan where knowledge of the Fey is more common, while Nachklonev Lemvok can sometimes live out their entire lives without their Fey heritage being known.   Half-Fey are rarely, if ever, involved in the Fey Courts due to the dilution of their Fey blood. Therefore, they can be considered entirely human as far as laws and how they function in society is concerned.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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