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Dancing Lessons - Lion's Crest

General Summary

As the Wardens made their way into Lion's Crest to do some shopping they ended up at the Temple of Eilistraee where Raijun had previously been donating funds. Upon telling a priest who he was they mentioned that the Grand Dancer wanted to see him. An older drow woman appeared and introduced herself as the Grand Dancer before telling Raijun that she'd been waiting for him and that his training begins now.

Dancing Queen

The Grand Dancer leads Raijun into a courtyard explaining that she has come to train him. As she leads him away from the group one of the other priests says to a concerned Myra that they are to just have a conversation that he is in no real danger. The Grand Dancer leads him to another group of acolytes dancing in the courtyard and tells Raijun to show her what he's got. Raijun makes several attempts but flails in comparison to the other dancers with the Grand Dancer correcting him several times. She comments, "Your freedom comes at your own hands so let me free you," as her arms flash and silver tattoos running up them appear briefly.   As Riaijun continues he notices that some of the other acolytes seem to be making more attack motions than dancing. "You have begun to rely on the fate given to you. You must be free," the Grand Dancer intones. "I can better instruct you on how to free yourself enabling those who can use their freedom. Only through serving others can you free yourself." As the dancing continues Myra begins to become concerned that the attacks will put Raijun down, not sure that he can be revived right now. She joins the dance but it stunned by the Grand Dancer and watches Raijun fall as others assure Adama, who is eating spider leg stew on the side, that he will be fine. As Raijun falls he's brought back to the Grand dancer offering him a hand asking, "Do you accept my help?" As he reaches for her hand she punches him in the face her tattoos glowing.   Raijun is pushed into his astral self with an astral version of the Grand Dancer appearing before him. "I am Grand Dancer Saj'ez Lunne I was once a follower of the mother of ravens like yourself. Touched by another." She goes on to explain that Raijun needs to carve his own path and not rely on fate reiterating her earlier words. In the space she takes a shawl of moonlight and drapes it over him before exiting and slapping him three times in the face to wake him up. As Raijun awakes he feels his mind become more centered and sees the same cowl on his chest (shroud of benevolence). He's helped to his feet and assures Myra that he's fine as the Grand Dancer takes him over to the stew pot where Adama was sitting.   The grand dancer gestures around at the people some of whom are packing or leaving to go elsewhere and comments that Raijun's funds have helped make so many of their dream come true. The group stays at the temple for some time some helping out, Myra mending broken items while Sarya plays with the children in the grassy area. Raijun helps out around as much as he can before taking a second to find the grand dancer, helping her fold towels in the back. Raijun hands over another bag of gold telling her it's for their continued work. The grand dancer looks at him, "You've already given so much why more?" Raijun explains his background and how he hopes to help those like him from when he was growing up. The grand dancer looks at him thoughtfully, "You remind me of someone. Very interesting. Actions always help greater than coin." Raijun offers the use of our ship if the temple has need of it. The grand dancer says that they have sister sites in The Carrefour and Lunaacre and a smaller more religous based site up at the Bismuth Abbey. She says that if we are ever headed in those directions they could always use help getting supplies or people to those locations.   As Raijun leaves the office he meets Shane Syr a child living in the temple currently. Shane introduces himself and tells Raijun that he's his hero. Raijun says some very nice words about learning to be a hero from Myra who was just out of earshot, saying that Shane should look up to her. Shane nods along and Raijun tells Shane that if he works hard he could become a hero giving him some exercise tips, a white belt of cloth, and a dagger. Shane's eyes go wide at his generosity and thanks Raijun again before running off.   The group collects themselves and stops by Etch R Sketch to set up a an appointment for Hagren. Etch is dealing with a particularly whiny customer when the group walks in and Etch warns that Hagren's Tattoo might actually hurt that much due to it's magical nature. Etch tells Hagren he can come by first thing in the morning as he works on a first come first serve basis. While they are already there Myra asks for an addition to her tattoo which Etch also touches up. Myra also stops by the post office to look for a letter from Kymil Stagwood

Home Cooking

The group finding the day late decides to head to the Whitemane community center for a meal from Lady Adalphia "Mama" and a less rocking bed to sleep in. AS they arrive they hear a horrible racket coming from inside the community center where Zachariah Topp is halfway inside an organ. Kay and Onsprey are playing cards at a table nearby seemingly unconcerned by the horrible racket. Myra asks what he's doing and he replies that he's dropped his multi-tool and he can't seem to get it. Myra suggests he asks one of the kobolds for help or uses a mage hand all of which might be smaller than Topp's arm. Topp says that's a brilliant idea and races past the rest of the group to go build a new contraption to help with the current predicament. Myra sighs and asks "Trenchcoat" who has entered behind her if he wouldn't mind helping out. Trenchcoat easily extracts the sonic screwdriver handing it to Hagren who pockets it to return later.   As Trenchcooat finishes retrieving the screwdriver James Jasper Whitehall III comes out from the back yelling at Topp to keep it down only to find the Warden's instead and Myra indicating that Topp left. Jimmy greets the Warden's warmly except for Myra who he still warmly shakes her hand and says he's glad they all made it back ok. Myra asks if it was okay that they came for dinner and James smiles and says he is sure Mama would be offended if we hadn't. Leading us into the back Mama notes that we all look terrible. She introduces herself to Sarya asking if she's traveling with us now. Sarya confirms and mention's she's looking for someone named Reina a powerful druid and wonders if Mama has seen her come through. Mama thinks to herself for a second before saying that unfortunately she doesn't know of her. She mentions she'll keep an ear out and let us know if she hears anything.    Mama serves the group pasta and various meatballs making comments about how we were all to skinny. The group asks if she's seen the queen recently and Mama replies that her majesty has been very busy recently especially with everything in Timeston so she's been sending the food to the castle. Myra suggests that  perhaps we could take the food for her the following night as we owe her an explanation and Mama comments that this would be great as we could also make sure that she's eating. As we exit the kitchen to eat Mama asks where Tintreach and Gwen are noticing our count was low. Myra, sits and starts to say they are gone several times but can't quite get the words out. Mama realizes what's happening and says that she's "so sorry," hugging everyone in the group.     James brings out a bottle of good liquor and toasts to friends, "gone but never forgotten." Myra shoots her glass before refilling as james asks them what really happened in the beholden crossing. Myra kicks off the explanation leaving out details about her use of her scroll but otherwise telling the story faithfully. She gets through the tower and is about to move on to the aquatic area when Adama chimes in that there was also the part where Raijun and Myra made out and minor illusions the two of them making out. Myra attempts to say that's not how it happened but James quips that that looks quiet passionate based on Adama's illusion and feeling flustered Myra leaves the room.    Adama takes over the telling of the remainder of the story leaving out bits about the deal we made with the space jellyfish and some notes on exactly how we acquired reach. He also omits the treasure that the Manten'litche kingdom would be interested in from the treasury and doesn't mention the Abjuration scroll specifically. Adama then asks Jimmy for news of what's happening in Timeston. Jimmy mentions he's only been back for a bit so he doesn't know everything but updates the group that the Manten’Liche Armysiege   Adama deciding that he's had enough business talk asks Jimmy where he would vacation and he says either Hazelden or The Eastrudaris but that seems to be in a direction we weren't interested in going in. Adama asks if Jimmy has been to see the queen and he says he has not. They only arrived back shortly before us and as the Queen is dealing with an unintentional occupation in additional to their already strained relationship with Slekul he doubts she'd have time to see him at the moment.    James turns the topic to the Divine Reach asking Hagren for the details but Hagren is vague about exactly how we received it. James asks if he thinks that it can compete with the latest ship in the "foxes fleet" prompting Raijun to ask who that was. James explains that there's a well known privateer that is known to operate up around Stranglevine Cove. Hagren puts his faith in Reach saying he doubts that the ships they are up against would be able to fly.    Meanwhile, Myra has wandered off and started drinking by herself wandering around the community center until she stumbles upon a group room where Kanna happens to be sleeping. Not wanting to wake her, Myra just sits down besides Kanna's bed and continues drinking quietly. After a couple of minutes Kanna rolls over her hand draping off the bed as she mumbles, "James?" Myra, drunk, takes the offered hand but apologizes that she is not James, though she could go get him if that is what Kanna would like. Kanna wakes with a start pulling her hand back and the two fingers that Myra had gently taken stay in Myra's hand as the rest pull away, turning to sand in her grasp. Kanna chastises Myra for startling her as Myra attempts to apologize for the fingers. Kanna sighs and asks if she brought enough of the booze to share to which Myra responds obviously and they start drinking in the room. Kanna asks why Myra's not with the others and Myra mumbles something about Adama before changing the topic.    Myra asks Kanna about Lillum and the cleanup effort and Kanna explains she was out of it for most of it but Lillum decided to stay and help the others. They were all going to be relocated to Tramarick. Kanna asked about any excitement since we left and Myra tells her of the attempted kidnapping, at which Kanna snorts and says that clearly went well. Myra said she monched them good and Kanna told her not to steal her shtick, prompting Myra to reply that she did it before she met Kanna and looked slightly haunted. At that time Raijun comes in to check on Myra prompting Kanna to throw pillows at him with Myra joining in and laughing. After they successfully beat Raijun back Kanna asked if Myra wanted to go back out or stay hiding. Myra asked what Kanna wanted prompting them to leave the room and return to the group with Myra and Spryg supporting a still injured Kanna.    Kana and Raijun immediately get into an argument over something silly and Myra whispers not to worry cause she can get us access to his ship room for pranks if needed and then shares a knowing look with Trenchcoat who taps his nose. Raijun points out that this is unfair ganging up on him. Myra notes to James that there was another of the Nether Scrolls at the beholden and James looks concerned asking if it's safe. Myra shrugs and points at Adama and says as safe as he is. Adama says he's very safe comparing himself to a blade and Myra says 'no no you're a fire. You start out as a bunch of tinder then you turn into a smolder then you become a blaze until you burn out and die.'    James mentions that more of the rifts we saw have been opening up, there was one recently in Coalwood. James also mentioned that 'things' had started to come out of the rifts and they seemed to be looking for something. He's now heard reports from every continent and odd locations.    As the group ponders this more somber news Yamil walks in with a box of doughnuts earning him a hug from a drunk Myra. Adama then illusions Myra making out with Yamil behind his back in her eyeline prompting her to go red again. Yamil mentions that he'd like to help Mama cook despite everyone attempting to warn him that it won't work. The session closed when after about five minutes Yamil was chastised and sent out of the kitchen earning a round of laughter from everyone.
Report Date
17 Jan 2022
Primary Location
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