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Exchanges - Everchange Exchange

General Summary

Previously, as the group made their way to the Everchange Exchange they had had a fairly quiet crossing. The crew who had been negatively impacted by Adama's fight with Raijun early on had begun having terrible dreams of metal monsters and dark rivers. On the last night aboard the ship, as Gwen tried to read Ingrid's thoughts to get a better sense of what was plaguing the crew's nightmares, the metallic monsters attacked. The beasts seemed to appear out of the sky and upon impact into 'The Right Price' quickly rushed to the bottom of the boat where they targeted the treasures kept in the hold. Despite the Wardens efforts, a blinding flash of light emitted from the monsters and when it subsided the goods and beasts had vanished without a trace.


  As the Wardens gathered their wits after the fight, Adama immediately prioritized finding the objects while Myra rushed to the captain to inquire about the state of the crew. The captain directed Myra to find Inxosa, sending her above deck with Raijun who went to find carter, while Adama and the others stayed below to investigate the disappearance further.   As Myra and Raijun made their way upstairs they found the crew alive, protected by the Wardens actions. Though the boat sustained internal damages, aspects that would normally be targeted during a fight including the cannons, rigging, and ballista all seemed fine with no damage sustained in the attack. As we reached the top deck, Raijun investigated the impact site and noticed it looked similar to the scene aboard the Tangent Wave. Through further investigation Raijun found that the pattern had an almost fractal placement in its design and the precision of the runes seemed planned. As Myra reached Inxosa, he indicated the main sail of the ship was damaged with Myra noticing the glittering jeweled hand holding the fabric together. Inxosa inquires if any of the crew might be available to take over the wheel loud enough for a previously frightened crew member to sprint over. As Inxosa is freed from his post he turns back to Myra and inquires what happened below. Myra explains the situation and asks if Inxosa has the sale in hand or needs any help. He indicates that the hand holding together the sale will not last much longer and says that anything Myra could do to help would be appreciated. Myra indicates where he can find the captain and says to go check on the crew while she handles the sail and begins casting fabricate.   Below Adama starts questioning the group with how the robots might have known where the goods were being kept, finding it suspect that they new exactly where to go to. Hagren suggests that maybe there was a mark or tracking device that led them to the goods but agrees that it is a good question. In initial investigations it looks like all of the goods that were caged were taken along with all of the living robots. The dead robot that had possesses Tintreach's staff remains though his staff is now embedded in it's arm partially absorbed.   Raijun having investigated the top deck returns below to find Miss Carter and notify her of her the incident. Finding her in her quarters, she inquires what happened saying that she was hiding during the fight and asking if everyone is okay. Raijun informs her the crew is fine but mentions that all of the goods that they were transporting have vanished. This prompts Miss Carter to say excuse me in higher and higher registers before dropping her papers as she runs down the stairs. Raijun picks up the papers and follows, returning to the group.   Below, Adama requests that Gwen attempt to locate the objects or the creatures based on what spells she has available to her. Gwen has the ability to cast scrying on the metallic beings using her new brooch as a focus.  

Scrying Eyes

As Gwen concentrates she's brought to a brightly lit chamber with odd metallic stone. Sitting in rows are more of the metallic creatures we just faced. In the center of the chamber the light is gone with just a glass dome remaining. On the glass dome an odd green light is bouncing back and forth. As Gwen listens she hears gibberish that she identifies as Sylvan in front of two creatures similar to the automatons that attacked. However, these creatures seem more reinforced and proper, one more muscular, while the other is more hunched and delicate. The two creatures seem to be observing and discussing with the source of the green light as another figure appears swinging down and landing on two feet near the group before walking away. As it walks away she sees a large crescent attached to its hands. In the room there's no sign of cargo and it is brightly lit, almost lab like artificially bright. Gwen gathers that this may be some kind of storage area and, though it seems to be kept pristine pristinely clean, it doesn't look like the automatons have been moved in quite some time. There are no windows in the room but as she pans up and out the cylindrical chamber seems to extend for several feet. There seems to be a platform parked on this level and she thinks it could be similar to the platform she watched the half elf descend from earlier. The automatons seem to be many shapes, sizes, and constructions organized with like models grouped together.  

Blame Game

While Gwen concentrates on her spell, Adama assists Tintreach in analyzing the space left by the metallic beings. Tintreach recognizes that the manner of teleportation the beings used to return seems to have been made easier by the number of creatures that were alive at the time of the teleportation. It seems if there were fewer automatons, the return trip would have been more taxing or treacherous. Adama asks the captain if she had ever seen those creatures and she indicates that she has never seen something like that and didn't know what they were. She indicated that she was glad that she wouldn't have to deal with them again as we are so close to port. Adama, bristling, asks if she's not incentivized to chase after them. The captain indicates that it was our job to protect the goods and that she did her job as the ship seems to still be intact enough to make port. Adama comments that clearly she doesn't want to get paid if she's not willing to go after the goods and the captain response that she is 'under contract' and 'already got paid'.   At this point a very frazzled Miss Carter appears down below with Raijun close behind. As she stares at the cargo hold where the goods used her eyes grow wide as she begins making small panic noises. As Raijun descends trying to comfort her she whips around and glares at him fiercely yelling, "What did you do?! You were probably showboating! This is all your fault. How did it disappear? Things don't just disappear off of boat! You don't know the people he knows. The people I know. The people this belongs to. They'll make you disappear and they'll make people know that they were the ones to disappear you."   Raijun counters that he understands that Carter's "Under Thompson's puppet strings" but that's the enemy was able to paralyze him causing him more difficulty than usual.   "You were stuck to it? You were supposed to be good at this! You were hired because you're so mobile." Hagrin chimes in agreeing with Carter while Raijun tries to move forward with how they might resolve the issue. "Do you know how much money is on the line here? Because I do! And I have to account for every missing thing. You think we don't have a way to track this stuff? You are amateurs."   Adama, picking up on the way of tracking, inquires how would Carter would track the items saying that we would all like to get paid. Carter counters saying that she's under contract she's getting paid and that she will not be giving away trade secrets to our group. "I need, I would need someone more proficient than you to be able to locate them probably in The Carrefour."   Muttering to herself Carter returns up the stairs as Raijun turns to Hager and Gwen. "Well that was eventful maybe I should wait to share how we are going to try to get it back with her". Hagren asks how we could possibly find the items asking Gwen if there were any landmarks in her vision. Gwen responds that there were unfortunately no landmarks and turns back to Ingrid to make sure that she is okay. Ingrid thanks Gwen for protecting her and gives her a weak smile Gwen goes to squeeze her shoulder and reassurance.   As Myra completes the repairs upon the upper deck she returns to the group and asks Gwen to recount all of the visions of the past hour with everyone. When Gwen mentions that the things were speaking in Sylvan, Myra asks her to repeat what was said. Myra identifies the snippets Gwen heard as "resistance... damage... curious... more data". As Gwen recounts that the location seems to be above the clouds Myra asks Hagren what direction the shooting star fell from. Hagren recounts that the star came from due north. Adama suggests that using the information from the harpy, Hagren's direction, and the map from the Tangent Wave we may be able to pinpoint location closest to the islands the harpy mentioned.   As the group connects, Adama voices his frustration that the crew should have helped fight off the beasts. Hagren suggests that they wouldn't have been useful with many of the naval weapons not being usable in such an attack. Adama counters that they still could have fought while Raijun, Hagren, and Myra suggest that that could have ended in more bloodshed. Raijun and Hagren further suggest that it's not the crews fault. Myra turns the conversation requesting Hagren and Gwen's help convincing Carter and the Captain to help them go after the lost goods now that they have a heading.  

Crumpled Composure

As the smaller group ascend to find Miss Carter she answers her door with a brisk "what do you want". As a group explains, the door is thrown open and Miss Carter's state is revealed. The calm composed woman is gone, with part of her shirt ripped her hair braid and missing a shoe. She agrees to talk to the captain with us but seemingly only to berate us further. As Carter reaches the top deck Inoxsa looks afraid and the captain looks shocked by Miss Carter's state. As Myra calmly explains their theories on where the items might have been taken Miss Carter snaps.   Carter reveals that the goods were meant to go to a powerful player in The Carrefour to secure trade rights for Thompson. Carter asks how we could even plan to get them back given how they were able to take them from us so easily. Hagren suggests that perhaps the automatons were being controlled by someone and that it would be easier to take them on at their source. Carter snaps at Myra accusing her of working against Thompson, perhaps working for her family's trade organization instead of Thompson's. She suggests that maybe Myra planned the whole thing and disposed of the goods herself.   As Myra starts to explain what that would be highly illogical, Hagren cuts in snapping back at Carter telling her to pull herself together. With Hagren's voice being raised Carter's psychosis seems to pop as she shrinks back into herself and calms.   "I apologize I'm under way too much stress. I don't believe your family is trying to upset the trade balance, apologies." One Myra again inquires about tracking the items Miss Carter says that there is indeed a trade office in The Carrefour that can track the items but to use the tracking she would have to be present with us and explains that it might raise some eyebrows. Miss Carter indicates that regardless of if we had an exact location the captain is currently contracted to go elsewhere and so it would be outside of her contract and thus perfectly within her right for her to refuse to aid us going back North. Miss Carter then remarks that she doesn't think more can be done tonight and excuses herself and saying that she needs sleep.   As Miss Carter retreats the captain whispers, "I have never seen her like that. Oh boy." She turns to Hagren and says that that show of command was quite impressive and would serve him as a captain one day. Hagren writes himself off saying that she was acting to make someone 'pop a vein'. The captain indicates that she needs to assess the further damage to his ship and that as Miss Carter mentioned they have other scheduled travel but, if we could clear it with Carter the ship would be ours to use again.   Wanting to bring back all the information to the group Myra asks the captain how long it would take to get from theEverchange Exchange to the Carrefour. The captain remarks that it has been a long time since she's done the journey, but if you were going through the Shifting Sands Pass it would probably take 5 to 7 Days on foot. Myra thanks for the information. As the rest of the group breaks Myra remains and asks the Captain if her mending was up to par. The Captain remarks that it was miraculous enough for her to overlook that Myra used Magic when the captain requested otherwise. Myra apologized for going against her order but the captain gave her a side smile before saying if she wanted to use up that magic to patch up other parts of the boat she wouldn't mind terribly.   Tintreach has hauled up one of the metallic men and requests Myra's assistance to pull its his staff from its it corpse. Myra uses a similar ability to the one she used on the Tangent Wave to pry the staff free returning it him. Reconnecting with the rest of the group and explaining the situation, everyone decides to sleep and talk to Carter again in the morning when heads might be clearer.  

Shifting Sands

As everyone awakens the following day they hear sounds of port, people, and beasts from outside the ship. As the group emerges they see that the ship is currently docked and Carter is overseeing the loading of goods onto the ship. As soon as Adama sees that we have made port he uses disguise self to make himself look like an older, frailer, version of himself snow white-dreads.   As the group approaches Carter she sheepishly apologizes for her behavior, pulling out some paperwork mentioning that if we would like to file a complaint she understands and has the appropriate forms prepared. The group turns to Raijun as the most harmed by Carter's words but he offers her a soft smile, saying he understood and that none of us wished to file a complaint at this time.   Carter smiles, apologizing again for her behavior but looking slightly more relieved. Carter relays that 'The Right Price' is due to sail to Transborugh Harborage and then will be continuing on to Beaters Point. From there Carter indicated that, if needed, the ship could continue sailing north to the location we indicated that we would like to investigate.If we chose that path it would be about a week for the Right Price to return to the Everchange Exchange to pick us up, it would then take more time to complete the deliveries before we could head north. Alternatively, Carter suggested that we could charter our own ship North to proceed to our desired location more directly.   Carter indicated that she has already reached out to Thirsten Thompson VII to let him know of the delay but stressed that Thompson does not know that the cargo was lost. He has smoothed it over with the client but is expecting the shipment to arrive to The Carrefour quickly. She suggested us potentially pursuing faster means of transportation north as if we were able to recover the goods more quickly the cover she put in for us, inclement weather etc, would seem more plausible. As part of the deal Thompson made it very clear that everything from the ship needs to be delivered prompting Myra to ask for a manifest and carter to provide one listing:
  • 100 lbs of trade good and linens
  • 6 satchels of various spices and incense
  • 8 locked and sealed chests that when detected give off a trace of abjuration and evocation magic -They were sealed with Thompson’s brand as a lock
  • And a statue of an unknown wizard
Adama inquired after the additional tracking method she mentioned yesterday and while Carter said that that was an option she indicated that she would rather continue on toward Transborugh Harborage. In order to activate the tracker she would have to see their trade office in the Hidden Spice District in the Carrefour which would mean her escorting them to the Carrefour and back losing valuable time. Carter indicated that if it was necessary she would be willing to change her plans to make those accommodations but it would be a much slower process all around. Carter also mentioned that if we got up north quicker but were having issues to send word as her contact in Transborugh Harborage might be able to help get a closer location, though not as specific as the Carrefour office would provide and there is a chance that her contact there would not be willing to aid her.   The group agreed that we thought we had enough to go on and didn't like the delay, telling Carter that we would attempt to charter a ship but let her know if we needed to use the 'The Right Price' again. Before parting Carter gave us one last warning about if we thought to ditch her with the problem of the missing goods and sail off on our own. She said that if we left her with that then it wouldn't matter who Thompson sent after us because she herself would chase us and even the 'deepest darkest hole' wouldn't be enough to keep her from us. Myra assured her that we had no intention of leaving the buck with her and that she understood very well that Carter ensures that Thomson's whole empire runs smoothly. Therefore, in addition to not being our style we have no intention of needing to be tracked to the 'deepest darkest hole'.   Saying goodbye to the Captain, crew, and Carter the group disembarked. The Captain mentioning to Hagren that if he ever needed work to let her know and she would find him a place. Saying that she hopes to come upon us again some day.  

Claws and Talons

As we went off the group was about to break up, some to go shopping while Hagren and Myra went to procure another vessel, as Raijun noticed a dragon like maw poking through a sail a ways down the dock. Raijun, wanting to test out his horse figurine, burst out the Nightmare and galloped toward the boat. The rest of the group started pushing through the onlookers toward the commotion as white robed guards with golden scarab emblems also rushed toward the ship.   As Raijun got closer he saw the maw of the beast was wrapped around a man. Raijun, pulled the man free of the jaw but he plunged to the deck. Where he was promptly arrested by the guards. Raijun looked confused, looking from the guards to the T-rex on the deck as the man proclaimed, "They're just pets" as he was dragged off by the guards. As he turned back to the T-rex he saw the form change back to that of a woman with long black hair, bare feet, light billing clothes. Where her form faded sand now rests on the deck of the ship, gold eyes looked up at him from her form. A silver belt at her waist with an oddly familiar clawed crest.   The woman now staring at him with a puzzled, exasperated look "Hey you, what are you trying to do?"   Raijun explained that to him it looked like the man was being eaten alive by a dinosaur. The woman said she wouldn't have eaten him. but prodded Raijun for why he tried to rescue him. "Do you like seeing animals enslaved? Do you think that funny? Do you know how long some of those animals have been in cages? Do you have any idea what that is like?"   Raijun responds that actually he does, giving the woman pause. She apologizes and says that stinks. Raijun staring at her belt asks her what it is a symbol for. She mentions that it's the symbol of Bahamut. "I'm Kanna. I'm part of a group that seeks out justice. I help out animals specifically, what kind of work do you do?"   Raijun introduces himself and says he's the 'Assistant regional manager' for the wardens and mentions that we mostly work out of Lion's Crest. After a bit of back and forth Raijun realizes that the organization Kanna works for is The Silver Talons of Justice and indicates that we know Jimmy and Mama. This prompts Kanna to say realize that we were the ones she was supposed to watch out for, remarking that she didn't expect "Mr. Hero" to be part of the group.   At about this point the rest of the group catches up and introduces ourselves to Kanna. Myra inquires if this boat Kanna just liberated might be newly available but Kanna mentions that it will probably be impounded by the Scarabs. She does mention that Onsprey and The Alabaster Gale are due in port in the next day or two that after they deliver the freed animals back to Tramarick he would probably be willing to help as long as we have sign off from "Mama".   Checking with Gwen Myra asks if she would be willing to send word to Mama inquiring about the use of the boat and about if she had heard anything of the flying city. Gwen sends the following message, "Hi Mama, we've made it safely to Everchange Exchange. Could we commandeer Onsprey and the Alabaster Gale? Have you heard of Vlypeum?" Mama responds that we should stay safe and travel with Onsprey and asks why we are asking about Vlypeum. This prompt Gwen to send a second message "So you have heard of it? Vlypeum? I saw it in a vision. What do you know of that place?" Mama responds again saying she has only heard stories of a garden in the sky and mentions that it was supposedly lost many years ago.   Relaying the information to Kanna we asked if she would be willing to accompany us and she seemed amenable, provided we returned the dinos to their home. She seemed particularly interested in the winged cat Myra mentioned and said she could maybe help us out with the ability to get into the sky if needed. As they start to walk and talk Kanna says that she's staying at Rolwisi's Lamp as Wilth , the fat cat who owns the joint, is a friend. Asking what we were up to Raijun wants to know all about the different parts of town. We learn:  
  • Belly of the Sand Dragon is a monster hunter's bar run by Rantos Flintstone
  • Kharon's Gift is run by Revi, a goth chick who sells magic goods
  • The Coin Purse is the last bastion of humanity before you hit the desert
  • Sacellum of the Everwatch the 'high victor' is into some 'dark stuff' and works for the immortal king. It's the Immortal king's pocket of influence over the area. When asked about it she said it was the usual 'give blood live forever' and warned us away form them
  • Golden Scarabs - the would be police - most are good but there are some assholes who might want palm greasing to not keep trouble
In discussion Zachariah Topp and Head Archivist Klara came up to which Kanna remarked that she was glad he 'moved on' but wouldn't say from who.  

Kharon's Gifts

As we entered the Block of Eternal Might, things got quiet. The sandy paths give way to cobblestone streets and as we enter an area that looks reminiscent of sad gothic London. As we move toward Kharon's Gift, Myra asks if something had happened recently and Kanna indicates that it has always been like this. As we get further in Kanna indicates that the area make her uncomfortable and says she'll meet us back at the Lamp while Adama disappears without a word.   Coming upon the building with Kharon's gifts indicated on the sign the remaining group sees black and white symbols on the door. The scattered lines make an arched shape and several of the members note that the symbols look similar to bones. As they press inside the the shop is full of macabre objects hang from the ceiling, behind a table stands a motionless figure. A half orc, eyes glowing orange, comes closer seemingly without moving. "What can I do for you?" Before turning to sneer at Raijun saying, "I don't sell to your kind."   When Raijun asks what she means she growls, "Ones who flee from death, you sicken me. How dare you flaunt your falsehood in front of his greatness. Worshipper of the false raven must leave." Kicking him from the store.   As the door closes behind him Revi turns to the rest of the group and smiles "Now that the imposter is gone what can a servant of bones do for you."
Report Date
28 Mar 2021

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