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New Assignments - Lion's Crest

General Summary

The Wardens, having a more eventful night than anticipated -summoning a draconic jinn, alienating Yamil, questioning Topp, and using the last of their Magic Beans from Viridius, returned to the Whitemane Community center for some well earned rest.  

Rise and Shine

  Myra, having slept poorly, is the first of the Wardens to emerge from the rooms finding James Jasper Whitehall III already talking to newcomers to the community center. Myra slips into the Kitchen to find Lady Adalphia "Mama" already preparing a plethora of food. She greets Myra with a warm good morning and at Myra's question says she hasn't seen either Zachariah Topp or 'anyone else' this morning yet, though she mentions it's still too early for Topp by a few hours. She seems to be making even more food than normal reminding Myra of her promise the night before to take food to the queen provided they weren't too busy. Myra says that she would of course do as she promised with Mama thanking her and patting her on the head.   She sends Myra out with food as she runs back into James from the other room. Myra attempts an apology to James for a number of offenses as he acknowledges it but pushes forward onto the more pressing issue of asking what exactly we were doing with the lamp of the Grammarian last night. Asking if we knew who the Grammarian serves. Myra nods and shakes her head conceding that yes she understands the denizen of the lamp works for Tiamat but insists that we did not know that before last night. James sighs saying we shouldn't put ourselves in additional danger by taking unnecessary risks. Myra raised an eyebrow and attempted a joke asking if he had met us. This earned a sigh out of James who said he hadn't had enough coffee for that yet. Myra looks ashamed at the mention of coffee which James misreads as pre-coffee face and goes off to retrieve food and the Perpetual Percolator from Mama. As he goes off he insinuates that Myra doesn't have enough food causing Mama to call for Jeremy from the kitchen. Jeremy, not expecting the call drops a plate as he makes his way in.   Adama, hearing the sound of the broken plate, charges into the room with his weapon drawn expecting a fight. This causes some of the newer folks to the community center to scatter as Myra holds up the pieces of the broken plate and attempts to explain that everything is okay. Myra mends the plate, setting it on the table, as Adama inspects the area finding the new flooring and plaque from the last attack but declaring the area clear. The rest of the group joins the table Myra is at with everyone receiving generous helpings of food, Raijun taking two plates and Myra having slid most of hers onto his as well. Myra asks Hagren for Topp's screwdriver saying that she wanted to return it to him. Hagren hands it over and they talk about their plans for the day. Myra also asks Raijun for the grappling hook, easily mending the chain where she fried it as if working with play-doh note iron. Raijun notes not to let Myra near his magic item but is excited to be reunited with his functional hook.   James returns with the perpetual percolator providing the group with their warm beverage of choice. James mentions that he's got his new assignment and that he's to go 'out west'. Adama correctly guesses that it has to do with Slekul, receivingThe Silver Talons of JusticeMiss CarterYamilconfirmation   Adama asks why he's leaving so soon if the party isn't for a few months. James replies that he needs time to 'acclimate', taking on the physicality of his Jimmy persona, which might be more difficult in the situation and also because he wants to ensure Kanna's safe return home. Adama asks what's between Jimmy and Kanna asking if they are or were in a relationship. Jimmy is quiet for a second before explaining that he found her 'broken' a long time ago and helped her get out of that place. He treats her more as you would a younger sister, she was in a time where she needed a friend. Adama sagely intones that it is often those who we don't intend to have an impact on us that often have the most profound impact and Raijun quips that why he found us sitting on a dock. Myra mentions for James to be careful and not get too lost over there as Adama asks if James thinks Slekul could have one of the scrolls. James says that they might which is one of the reasons he needs to go.   Myra says to keep in touch and reach out if anything too bad should come up as we now seem to have at least one way to travel quickly, motioning to the lamp from the night before. Talk of teleportation prompts Adama to ask Jimmy if he knows about the incident with Topp's Lab in The Carrefour. James says he knows some but it's not his story to tell but he does mention not to make light of the situation. Raijun asks what the big deal was with being in one place one moment and another and James warns that it was much more serious. "Think about having lunch and suddenly half of you is upstairs and aware while the other half of you is downstairs, still intact and wondering what happened to your other half." This causes Myra to push her food away as Adama follows up asking who we could ask about Topp's story. Myra suggests Mama but James mentions that she didn't come upon him till later, not giving the group any real leads.   In talking about teleportation James asks where Yamil went last night and the group says that they don't know asking if he had seen him. James says he'd be sad if he left without saying goodbye. Adama says we should follow up on Topp because Yamil hated Topp, surprising James. The group fills in James that they believe Yamil was at the scene of Topp's lab's accident and that there may be less than magnanimous feelings between them. Myra asks when James met Yamil and he suggests that it wasn't until they were aboard the ships in Beholden Crossing saying that he wasn't at the Carrefour until after the fact and he had certainly not seen Yamil there. Adama asks if there is anyone specifically who might have knowledge on Yamil with Myra asking why when last night was obviously her fault. James responds that the most well known thieves guild is the one we are already aware of the As'ler and both Myra and Sarya say that perhaps we should stay away from them.   Raijun asks what we need a spy network for questioning if it's for the body parts causing James to go a little pale. Adama asks James for a butcher or a morgue and James is a little hesitant. But at the passing mention of Slekul Boxes asks if we have anything that might get him in the door at skull hill. Myra gives him the demon cursed armor repeating at least three times not to put it on. James tasks it asking if there's anything he should know and Myra says that she won't tell him anything about how they got it or where so he doesn't know if he's asks. She also tells him to punch her until he does so that he can say he had to fight someone for it or won it in a fight without it being a lie. James asks if he should know more about the boxes and the group says no with Myra explaining that one cost her five years of life and Raijun commenting that she doesn't look a day over 75 30. James pales at that and says he doesn't really need to know more. Before parting Adama asks Jimmy for a hair, earning a weird look. Myra explains that it's for scrying if that makes it any less weird and Jimmy, reluctantly hands over a few strands. Myra repeats that he should get in contact if he needs anything saying there's a decent chance we show up anyway. James thanks the group saying that he expects to be off in a day or so.


  As the group breaks with James, Sarya asks Myra for the use of her staff to scry and Adama's 'materials'. Adama hands over the hair from Yamil and Myra hands over the staff asking why we would be looking into Yamil as she was the cause of the frustration last night. Sarya starts the scry with Yamil and finds him no longer in Lion's Crest or even on the continent of Vloyuth with the forest soil composition being of an area further north. As the sensor focuses to Yamil he turns to face it seeing it clearly and addresses it, "I don't know who you are. I wish for you to stop. If you don't I will find you and I will not hurt you but I will hurt all the ones you find dear." Sarya having gathered the information she wanted and being sufficiently spooked by Yamil pulls out of the scry early not wanting to provoke any additional retribution. Sarya, returning to herself, relays what she saw with the group with Myra being mostly quiet as the others speculate how he moved so quickly. Sarya mentions the threat and Myra does pipe up to say he doesn't know it's us and we could have been hostile if it was someone else remarking that we probably would react similarly.   Sarya then goes to attempt a second scry looking for Reina but is met with resistance. When she pulls out she asks what would happen if someone was dead and both Adama and Myra assure her that the scry would have failed quicker and more forcefully if the target wasn't on the plane of existence or dead. Instead Sarya said that what she felt was more of a 'blockage' as if something was preventing her from reaching her.   With the scrying done Adama says that we should should go check to make sure that Zachariah Topp is okay as with Yamil getting away so fast perhaps he took revenge on Topp before he went. Myra assures them that Topp is fine admitting to seeing him the night before saying that he was only minorly wounded. Adama questions why Myra hurt Topp and she insists it was an accident, that she was going to make it right, and that it shouldn't provide lasting damage, but Adama admonishes Myra for not telling the group sooner.   The group makes their way to Topp's lab finding it locked and dark with Myra not distressed as Mama mentioned that he would probably not be up yet. Raijun shadow-steps inside and unlocks the door noticing Topp passed out on his work bench with a puddle of red fluid next to him. He quickly rushes over to check on him but as the rest of the group enters they conclude that it is not blood. Myra notes to Sarya that honestly it might be easier to heal his hand while he's still passed out so she does casting cure wounds and waking him up. Topp is surprised that we are all there also asking us to remind him who we were. Raijun introduces himself as 'Nightblade' and Topp asks if there's any relation to a Steelblade who he knew once. Raijun says he knew him but unlike him his sword is made of shadow. Topp says he's sorry as he knew Steelbalde died, wielding two steel blades so maybe that was the problem. Mentioning that he was eaten by a 'big thing'.   Myra cuts in to return his sonic screwdriver and Topp says he was working on a contraption to retrieve it, showing her a claw machine hand but saying he hadn't figured out how to get it to grab. Myra suggests next time just asking for help Adama asks if Topp want's to see a magic flying ship. Topp is incredulous at those words being together thinking we are pulling his leg. Myra asks if she's ever lied to him, he tells her he doesn't remember for which she apologizes and says she hasn't. Adama says they need the best arfitcer they know on the boat which Myra takes slight offense to but isn't willing to argue about. The group asks Trenchcoat to escort Topp back to the Divine Reach to show him the workings and make sure that Reach doesn't try to blow him up. They also instruct him to get supplies with Myra giving him 50 gold. He also goes over to ask Raijun for money before joking that he already took all his money at cards so he doesn't need it anyway. Myra asks Topp if he knows if Head Archivist Klara is around as she'd like to talk to her. Topp mentions that Klara has been called back to the Bismuth Abbey on assignment but not to mention it as it's serious and secret.   As Trenchcoat escorts Topp off he mentions not to touch anything and to lock up after ourselves. Raijun looks around and finds a velcro bag with a note tied to it that says "SHHHHHH". The bag happens to a bag of pass with out a trace that just creates a very large noise before hand. Raijun tries to give it to Adama but Adama asks Myra what the bag would cost, suggesting paying Topp for the work instead of taking it. Myra thinks and calculates the actual R&D time instead of just the materials telling Adama it would probably cost thousands of gold. This prompts Adama to tell Raijun to leave it saying he doesn't want to take from Topp. Leaving Topp's lab the group splits up to run some errands and agrees to meet back at the community center when completed to deliver food to the Queen.    Adama finds a location where he can buy a led lined box (175 gp) as he is concerned about the number of items we have that are being tracked noting the compass specifically. Raijun, Myra, and Sarya go shopping for fancier clothes for Sarya. Raijun updates his outfit and Myra pays for Sarya's clothes, telling Raijun she already bought him a nice pair of clothes and a fancy hat. Raijun elbows Sarya asking isn't it nice being on the Stagwood bill.

Royal Lunch

Congregating at the Whitemane community center the group walks the food over to Liberty Hold escorted by Lady Adalphia "Mama" to get them past the initial guards before leaving the group to return to the community center. As the Wardens entered they noticed an increased security present and were led to a room with table space and a familiar form of Angelo.   Angelo looks surprised to see the group remarking that he didn't see the ship in the air when he docked and is further surprised to see us delivering food. Raijun remarks that we were going in incognito and reintroduces the group as the Wardens of the Weave. Angelo laughs at the presentation and asks if we are also here for entertainment. He also offers the group a position in the navy if we ever want it saying he can 'put a good word in'. Adama asks how he feels about the recent issues with Slekul and Angelo says that if it's anything like the captain we dealt with in the Beholden Crossing it's probably just a people problem mentioning that Admiral Blackspear's people skills left something to be desired.   Raijun asks if he's also waiting to the queen and Angelo confirms that he's been waiting. Adama asks how long and Angelo says its been a couple of days siting that she's been quite busy but the thinks he's also probably pissed her off. Raijun asks what he's done and Angelo says it was probably about the way he left and not telling her. When Raijun and Adama look confused at Angelo, Myra explains that Angelo is the king of Lion's Crest inclining her head slightly. Around the same time Queen Angelena joins the group coming in and not addressing Angelo. She remarks on the food smelling delicious while filling a plate as she mentions it's nice to see the Wardens again. She does a quick count coming up short two people and asks where 'the tall one' is with Myra relaying that they died. The Queen gives her condolences and asks some clarifying questions on the situation commenting that she hasn't been debriefed of the situation casting a glance at Angelo. Myra comments that it's fine as he wouldn't be able to tell her most of what she needs to know anyone, earning her a smile form the Queen as Raijun comforts the King.   The group briefly relays the major points for the Queen. The talk of the scrolls and rifts concerns the queen. The group mentioned they heard there have been more opening on Vloyuth with a recent sighting in Coalwood. The queen confirms and says that a larger creature came out of that rift sitting in the town square nothing deterring it from it's mission, and then for an unknown reason it vanished again. Myra notes that they heard Head Archivist Klara had been recalled to the Bismuth Abbey, the queen confirming saying that an attempt had been made to remove the 'item' from the individual and that 'complications' had required additional studying.


Adama asks about the trouble in Timeston relaying what we had been told so far. The king comments that he's had word of a friend in the area causing the queen to roll her eyes. Myra asks if it's the same as Topp's friend but Angelo says no he's from Nightwell Hold. Myra thinks for a moment coming up with Gaston as the only likely suspect. The king is surprised asking if we know him and Myra comments that the wardens fought along side him when he died for bit. The king pales hearing the news that Gaston died and Adama tried to reassure him that it was for less than a minute. Anglo explains that Gaston is trying to go up into the mountains around the Manten’Liche Army but it's difficult with the beasts.   The queen asks if we are here for the negotiations with Maddocks, and the group says they weren't but Adama recognizes the name. Adma says that the queen would want him in the room explaining that he knows Maddocks. The queen explains that the Manten’Liche Army are claiming that there were 'items of religious significance' under Nightwell Hold but when they arrived they found that those items had been moved further south where they now believe it to be held in Timeston. Myra said that would align with the timing of when we recovered a scroll there as it would then have become obscured.   Myra admits that she's not sure that their majesties would want us in the room and mentions that in addition to just general risk from the scroll and Adama, she could be construed as an emissary of another nation adding additional knots. The king looks over Myra again thinking before remarking, "That's right your mother..." The queen cuts off any train of thought there to comment that if we attended it would be as experts and as a neutral 3rd party anyway as none of the Wardens are citizens of Vloyuth. Adama insists that we should attend and the group joins their majesties in preparations including Myra turning Adama into old Adama using alter self through the transmutation scroll.   They are stationed in the throne room about an hour later when a 6'4'" muscular half-elven man walks into the thronw room flanked by a hooded figure and 3 guards. He has an eyepatch covering the right side of his face with a golden triangle emblazoned upon it, his chainmail a skull on the tabard across the front. A smaller cloaked individual accompanies him and his three guards also have their cloaks drawn up. Raijun uses the Necromancy Scroll to attempt to discern if the guests are alive. Maddocks and the clocked figure resist the effect but all of their guards give of a distinct lack of a heartbeat indicating that they are undead.   The herald for the room is surprised at the lack of decorum announcing Maddocks 'the entombed' as the Emissary of the Manten'Liche recovery effort. Maddocks approaches the dais but does not bow or genuflect instead launching into questions about why he is here. Myra speaks up saying that is it customary to bow to their majesties with Maddocks rebuffing her asking who she is and saying "No, we're here to talk." Angelo takes offense on the queen's behalf saying that Maddocks will show her the respect she deserves or be ejected from the grounds. Maddocks start to quip about respect when Adama, as old Adama, steps in and says that if he tries this kind of shenanigans at Skull Hill Keep his head would be on the floor already. Maddocks squints at Adama asking if he knows him from somewhere and questioning 'why are you so bright," before half heartedly apologizing and doing a half bow to the Queen and King.   "We are going to continue looking for our relic," Maddocks continues. "You all have been nice and all letting us 'walk around' your kingdom but we are the ones facing creatures. We've lost men, you've lost a valuable resource, the quicker this is over we can continue resolving your problem."   The Queen correct, "We granted you passage." She then continues that first they said they were going to Nightwell Hold, then they changed their location to Timeston. "What makes you certain it is even there?" She also attacks the premise that they have not sent aid as the blockade by the Manten'Liche army prevents them from assisting their settlement.   "First, we were always going there on our mission. We offered out of the goodness of our hearts to escort people to Nightwell. And while we appreciate the ability to traipse through your lands," Maddocks puts a hand over his face squinting at the Wardens, "very bright, very bright." Continuing back on the previous thread, "We have proven our worth. We ask to be left alone and once we recover our relic we will leave peacefully." Squinting at Adama again, "Who are these people?"   The queen explains that we are the heroes of Beholden Crossing and are here as a neutral third party as we may have insight into some of the creatures. Adama attacks the capability of Manten'Litche army, saying that they've been in Timeston for over a month with no success, suggesting that it is time to send in reinforcements.   Maddocks rebuts Adama, "You don't know the horrors we've face. The sound of laughter as the creatures come as though someone is playing. Seer the paw," The smaller cloaked figure opens their cloak and pulls out a 4 foot by 2 foot owlbear claw dropping it on the floor for everyone to see.  

Poems About Raijun's and Angelo's Fist Bump

By Mike:   Fist out stretched mighty and strong and waiting Looking up at the king hoping, waiting Kings smile grows, fist meets fist. Victory!
Report Date
20 Jan 2022
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