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Strange Skies & Magic Beans

General Summary

This session picked up after some downtime in Nightwell Hold after having dinner with Thirsten Thompson VII and Raijun experimenting with Magic Beans. That same night after dinner we pick up with Adama having unanswered questions.

Good Night Nightwell

The party had returned to The Soldier's Last Stand after the meal with Thompson. While most of us had retreated to our rooms, Adama feeling unsatisfied with the answers given by Claudia at dinner decided to do further investigation himself.


Slipping out from the tavern Adama approached where the Manten’Liche Army had begun making camp, disguised as an officer. He identified a low ranking cadet and pulled them aside for questioning. (Note: the cadet was never named and referred to as "officer" or "cadet" the whole time) Adama began with more innocuous questions about how the cadet was faring such a long way from Slekul and if they had any doubts about coming this far. The cadet acknowledged this was the farthest from home they had traveled but insisted that their duty to the king doesn't waver. Adama then pivoted to questioning what the cadet knew about why they were on Vloyuth. The cadet explained they only knew that they were here searching for property of the Manten’Liche King and to set up an outpost for them. Before leaving Adama asked for the cadet's commanding officer, which they gave as Commander Umbrek.   Adama, returning to the Soldiers Last Stand, thinking on the cadet's words identified the Transmutation Scroll as the most likely reason for the Army's interest in Nightwell. Knowing Myra was currently guarding the scroll Adama found her in her room, still awake studying, and informed her that the scroll was at risk from searching parties. Myra, not having any way to protect the scroll and remembering Jimmy's notes that the scroll should not be kept in the open too long and was even concerned about it’s ability to be tracked in a pocket dimension, decided to inquire with Gwen on further protection. After rousing Gwen, she informed us that she did have a spell that could prevent at least magic from finding the scroll through the use of non-detection. Deciding that that would have to be enough for tonight and they would inquire with Jimmy in the morning, the group retired to their rooms with Myra staying up later to study the scroll knowing that it was now better protected.


  • “We represent the king with duty and with life” - Cadet
  • “We’re here searching for property of the king” - Cadet

Hide and Seek

The following morning, when the group awoke, Jimmy was no where to be found. Inquiring with Bart, he mentioned he had seen Jimmy head out towards the temple that morning. Pursuing Jimmy, the group noticed most of the town was out cleaning and clearing the detritus and plants. While there was still nature intertwined with the buildings and ringing the streets the town had already cleared many of the obstructions that were created by Viridius.   While walking we stumbled upon Yamil playing with children in the town square. He asked us how we were doing and where we were going. As we exchanged pleasantries a little girl came over as we were talking and pulled on his cloak. She asked about the attacks and told Yamil that she was afraid of more fighting and that the dragon would come back for them. Yamil reassures her that the dragon wasn't coming back and that he would protected the children if it did. Yamil said he would throw a big party for all of the children which made the girl happy as she said her home was gone as well and she wasn't sure where she was going to stay. Myra paled during the discussion, flashing back to (Note: link session notes here once completed) and her participation in the child's misfortune, kept quiet and excused herself as soon as it was socially polite. Throughout the conversation some of the party noticed that the pock marks on Yamil's face that were present the night before seemed completely gone or covered up.   As most of the party continued towards the Temple of the First Dawn, Raijun decided to stay with Yamil and play hide and seek with the children. Raijun, upon failing to hide, shadow stepped to the top of a wall frustrating the child pursuing him. Hearing that the child was hungry Raijun provided some gold for him to go get food with his friends. While the children ran off to get food Raijun talked with Yamil, bonding over their shared history as orphans. Yamil divulged that he and his brother grew up on the streets of The Carrefour after their parents died from an illness. Inquiring how Yamil got into this line of work he responded he was recruited by the Golden Scarabs as a child and then ended working for Thompson in acquisitions, not quite knowing what he had signed himself up for. Raijun asked what it was like working for a man with the kind of power Thompson has and Yamil retorted that Thompson has no power, only greed. Yamil turning the questions back on Raijun, inquired where he was from. When Raijun recalled his home of Vratoth Yamil mentioned he had travelled there once to pick up a prisoner. The conversation concluded with Yamil and Raijiun reminiscing about their homes.   The rest of the party continued to Temple of the First Dawn to find Jimmy assisting Kymil Stagwood in removing the vines that had surrounded the outside of the church. The more perceptive members of the group noticed that the vines they took down were bleached and charred on the side facing the church windows, as though they had been scorched by the sun. Myra inquired if Jimmy had the chest they had used in Greenport to transport 'sensitive items' more secretly. Jimmy, paling at the idea of needing the chest again, apologized for not having it saying he intended to 'pack light'. Heeding Adama's warning from the night before Myra asked Gwen if she was able to recast non-detection provided they had the material components. Gwen indicated that she could so Myra crafted a jewelers kit and using the 700 gp diamond they had purchased previously shaved 100GP worth of diamond into dust (reducing the value to 600gp and giving us four 25gp charges of for non-detection one of which we immediately expended). Having dealt with the scroll, Jimmy inquired in our timeline for leaving. Myra mentioned needing to find transport back to Lion's Crest and brought up the idea of using Thompson's Magnificent Carriage . Jimmy thought it was unlikely that we would be able to persuade Thompson to allow us to use it but said we were more then welcome to try.


  • "Is the dragon coming back? The white one was scary, it hurt my mommy and daddy." - Small Girl
  • “I didn’t know where I was going to go, my home was gone.” - Small Girl
  • “Magic is evil, we will stop that.” - Yamil
  • “I did not fully understand what I was signing up for working for Thompson” - Yamil
  • “The Carrefour is full of bold opportunities, slimy deals, and the intersection of many cultures” - Yamil

A Small Favor

In pursuit of carriage transport most of the party went to Powder Keg Keep while Adama broke off to inform Raijun of what was going on. Upon arrival at the keep the group noticed that Commander Law's banners had been removed, though no banners had yet been erected in their place. Security was returned to what it had been when Law was running the fort but, instead of normal guards, the Manten’Liche Army had taken up the posts. We were stopped on the way in by the guards out front, only allowed to enter after they had messaged the each other who we were and the purpose of our visit.   Upon entering the keep the group noticed that all of the furniture had been moved, removed, or replaced by Thompson as Claudia directed the new setup of the keep. After exchanging pleasantries Myra asked if it would be possible for us to take the carriage back to Lion's Crest for Thompson as he must need additional supplies and our transportation had become indisposed. Thompson, acknowledging that he required addition items from the capital, acquiesced to Myra's request on the condition that Yamil travel with us as well so someone could bring the carriage back.   Having procured transportation, Myra turned her inquiries to Thompson's contact in Lion's Crest. Thompson informed us that our contact would be Captain Allister Johnsten and the boat we are looking for is 'The Right Price'. Thompson also gave Myra a signet crest to show to the captain to prove who we were. While Myra was handling the logistics Gwen used her channel divinity to read Thompson's thoughts. She got the sense that Thompson did truly care about his son's (Thirsten Thompson VIII) death but was making a show of not caring to try to save face for a deal he was making. He thought the Warden's 'seemed reputable' and that made them potentially good partners.   Before leaving, Claudia came over and started poking Myra. Myra slapped her hand away but it was obvious that she was looking for something. Gwen as a parting gift, cast suggestion on Thompson asking him to treat the town and people well as they have been through a lot. Gwen got the impression that Thompson did actually want to do well by the city outside of her suggestion and so would take the suggestion to heart. We inquired with Thompson if we needed to inform Yamil of his changed assignment but Thompson said he would tell him and turned away while touching his ear in a fashion similar to the guard out front. He returned his attention to us saying that Yamil would be getting the carriage ready and expecting us and wishing us luck on our impending voyage.

Fond Farewells

Returning to the town square the group found that Yamil ad already pulled the carriage around and was preparing the horses. Gwen and Myra to inform Jimmy and say one last goodbye to Kymil . Returning to the temple, Jimmy was impressed that we were able to convince Thompson to allow us the sue of his carriage but said it was well deserved after everything we went through and parted saying he would meet us at the carriage with his things.   As we approached Kymil, he was shaking hands with some of the townsfolk. Some of them thanks us while others leered, Myra looked uncomfortable at being thanked. Gwen said her goodbyes first wishing to see Kymil again sometime and Kymil replying that he would like that. Kymil sheepishly asked if he could write which Gwen said she would like. Before parting Gwen kissed Kymil on the cheek before running off to join the others in the carriage. Kymil stood stunned with his hand on his cheek for several seconds watching Gwen leave.   Myra, after giving her brother a moment, started to say her goodbyes and told Kymil to look after himself. Kymil retorted the he's pretty powerful now, and Myra quipped that he was always the popular one. Kymil expressed that their parent's didn't seem to think so to which Myra responded with, 'well what do they know.' Myra asked Kymil if he was going to be headed home soon and Kymil hedged saying he wasn't sure due to the state of everything. Myra requested that if he returned home he check in on Rachel. Kymil inquired as to her current state, Myra responding that she was more stable but that she was still concerned. Myra joked that maybe now that Ky was all powerful he could do something else about it. As Myra turned to leave Ky pulled her into a hug and reminded her that the situation in Nigthwell wasn't her fault. Myra, letting out something between a laugh and a sob, said it wasn't his fault either and to take care of those in the town as they would need him.   As Myra returned to the carriage the group prepared to leave Nightwell.

The Road to Lion's Crest

Carriage Life

Upon entering Thompson's Magnificent Carriage the group realized that it was bigger on the inside than the outside. Inside was cottage sized room amenities like a bar, a jacuzzi, and ample plush sitting space. Everything looked exceedingly expensive and as others enjoyed the amenities Myra ran around studying and looking for the runes that powered the carriage. Through the use of detect magic and identify Myra located the heart of the carriage and the conjuration based magic that powered it. Adama also identified that there was additional conjuration magic from the bar, transmutation magic in the ceiling, and evocation magic from the jacuzzi. Myra was careful to replace all of the tapestries, rugs, and paintings moved in the course of her studying but spent most of the day in her notes. Through her study Myra uncovered that the carriage was using some kind of slight planar shift and a condensing of space through the use of conjuration magic. Those watching through the windows of the carriage saw us leave Nightwell the embers of the Everglow Scar still glowing as the crossed.   Raijun, Choosing to ride outside the carriage with Yamil inquired how he came to work for Thompson as he seems to have a generally low regard for the man. Yamil explained that he started out acquiring 'objects' for Thompson and moved up from there. Raijun, intrigued, inquired if Yamil was a treasure hunter himself. Yamil denied being a treasure hunter saying that Thompson just paid him to 'acquire different things'. Raijun questioned Yamil about the 'creepy' purple glow they saw the night before and Yamil dodged the question and apologized saying that he is usually more forthcoming than that before inquiring how the Warden's ended up in Nightwell. Raijun hedged mentioning that we were working for Jimmy and that Kymil was Myra's brother but declined to mention anything about the scrolls or why we were sent.   Discussion of family caused Yamil and Raijun to switch topics to their past again with Raijun revealing that he used to do less than savory work and Yamil saying that in his past he might have locked Raijun away for that. Inquiring further, Raijun learned that in his time as a Golden Scarab Yamil was in charge of 'important prisoners'' working at The Wheelhouse. In discussion of the poisoners Yamil mentioned a man who moved an entire city block on top of his shop as a party trick. Yamil said the fallout was terrible and mentioned that unfortunately the mage escaped in some kind of prison break. When Raijun inquired further on who the old man was Yamil responded 'oh who can remember such things'.  


  • "In a previous life I would have starved, beaten you, and kept you in a cell" -Yamil to Raijun

Magic Beans

Before bedding down for the night Adama and Raijun suggested using two of our recently acquired Magic Beans to see what would happen. Myra requested that we do it away from the expensive carriage and that someone stayed to watch the carriage to ensure its safety. Jimmy elected to stay behind as the others went off about ten minutes away from the carriage into the Everpine.   Myra retrieved one of the beans from the bag of holding and gave it to Raijun (leaving 5 remaining in the bag) who planted it and the retreated back towards the group. After about a minute nine pink toads appeared and started hopping around the space. After a minute of watching them Raijun went to pick one up and investigate it. Upon touching the frog the form began to shift and a large black muscular demon (an eater of hope) appeared. We began to fight the deamon and in the process one of the other toads touched one of us and transformed into an aboleth. Recognizing the threat of the additional frogs Adama and Myra used some well placed magic missiles to eliminate the others before they could touch another person. Tintreach, drunk from his time in the carriage, attempted to veer from his normal lightning path to instead try such elements as polymorph but high spell resistance thwarted him. Adama finished off the Eater of Hope while Myra focused on the aboleth concerned by it's attention to Tintreach.   Once the toads and their spawn were dealt with the group assessed injuries taking a brief ten minute rest. Myra, holding her side from where the Eater of hope had pierced her armor was skeptical about using another bean, concerned about getting something more powerful. Raijun and Adama convinced that we could easily handle something else, and hoping for a more lootable foe, convinced the party that another bean would be fun planting the bean Myra had given to Raijun the night before (3/8 beans used). Upon planting the second bean the group watched as a minute passed and the tree nearest the bean began to change and grow in a way reminiscent of Viridius' tree monsters. As the tree shook a treant emerged, created two friends, and attacked. Killing the three trees, the group was battered enough to agree to call it for the night chopping up the bodies of the Treants as kindling and crafting supplies.   Walking back to carriage Yamil remarked on what a strange group we were.

Strange Skies

Returning to the camp we found Jimmy already asleep in the carriage. While the rest of us tended our wounds and shared a meal and drinks we all noticed an Aurora in the sky. Myra, Raijun, Adama, and Tintreach realized something was off about the sky with Myra drinking a potion and flying above the trees to get a better look and investigate further. In investigating one thing that Myra noticed was that while there were many colors in the sky (blues, greens, golds, oranges, teals) there was notably no reds or purples.   Before retiring for the night Myra asked Gwen to go for a walk. Myra inquired on how Gwen was doing to which Gwen replied, ‘In terms of missing your brother or life in general?’ Myra expressed that she meant it in whatever way Gwen wanted to talk about causing Gwen to express more feelings towards Kymil but suggest that she liked all the Stagwoods she had met causing Myra to blush. Myra turning the conversation asked about the old woman she had seen talking to Gwen in the church. Upon recounting their interaction further Myra suggested that the old woman may have been Selune or one of her avatars. This caused Gwen to profess her adoration for Selune her hope that maybe Talona would just go away as she hadn't seen her in a while. Myra concerned by the idea of making deals with gods and ignoring them asked Gwen exactly what deal she had made. Gwen explained that she made a promise to serve Talona in exchange for her sister's life. She thought that the sickness her sister had may have been the one caused by the necromancy scroll in Greenport and hoped that in obtaining the scroll her sister had gotten better without further intervention needed. Realizing she hadn't talked to her sister in a while she resolved that she would send her a message when they got to Lion's Crest to ensure everything was going ok.   Before heading back to the camp Myra asked Gwen to recast non-detection on the Transmutation Scroll (using up a second charge of diamond dust). As Myra turned back toward the campsite Gwen stopped her, inquiring after her own state of mind and mentioning the incident with the children in the morning. Myra confessed that she was concerned that she didn't feel worse about the whole ordeal and that most of her guilt was over the fact that she would make the same decisions again to protect those she cared about. Gwen was sympathetic but said that Myra shouldn't beat herself up over the events as they did everything they could.   Returning to camp they find Hagren drinking with Yamil, Raijun stretching, and Adama and Tinreach sitting apart. Raijun tries to talk to Adma about the past days events noting that he seems to have a lot on his mind. Adama brushes Raijun off, mentioning that he has a history with the Manten’Liche Army but noting that he's not ready to talk about it. Raijun mentions that at least they are getting away from them and Adama counters that there are some things that you can't outrun.   Raijun, conceding that Adama will not discuss the topic further tonight, turns to Yamil and inquires about the ship attacks. Yamil, putting together that we are doing another job for Thompson says that he hasn't heard too much. He said that they had their eyes peeled 'on the way over' but that they had fairly calm seas. He says from talking to the other sailors metal creatures suddenly appear and move with a speed that metal beast shouldn't have. He also mentioned a high pitched tone that 'drives people crazy' but dismissed it as a fisherman's whale tale. Yamil asked if many of us had been on the ocean before and where we came from. Myra deflected saying that Hagren was a great sailor but the rest of them have little experience and Raijun commented that he doesn't know how to swim. Myra concerned by this revelation asked how long of a boat trip it was and began pacing. Yamil expressed that it was about a 7-10 days boat ride depending on the weather. In the discussion Yamil mentions there is a harvest festival in a couple of days, about a day after we arrive in Nightwell.   The group decided watches, to happen next session, and the session concluded with Yamil retiring to bed as some of us sat around the campfire before retiring ourselves.


  • "We all have parts we’d like to have sealed away" - Adama
  • "Somethings you can’t put to bed and the bills come due" - Adama
Report Date
22 Dec 2020
Nightwell Hold
The Everpine
In Game Start Date
Four Days Before the Summer Harvest Festival
In Game End Date
Two Day Before the Summer Harvest Festival
Related Firesides
Everpine Campfire - Campfire

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