A Disease of Ice and Fire

General Summary

Moving down the road after packing up camp, the party had Stela sit in the back of the wagon and treat the wounds of Oliver and Urad. As the party traveled down the road, the air started to chill and flakes of snow wafted to the ground. The weather was a little peculiar for the time of the year, and as the storm slowly picked up, a wagon traveling towards the party appeared to be in the brunt of the storm. As the wagons passed one another, the party realized the storm was originating from the wagon leading them to silently search for clues. Stela tried to detect magic and found the storm itself had been conjured making it difficult to read anything else and losing her focus on healing Urad. Oliver spoke with the rider and realized they seemed frightened by the party. Caldwell attempted to sneak on but slipped, yanking the stairs out and alerting the family inside. Trying to help Caldwell, Bahubat attempted to intimidate the driver into stopping by brandishing his crossbow with no intent to shoot. Unfortunately, Stela's spell and Caldwell's attempts to embark had them fearing banditry causing a small scuffle and an attempt to escape. Caldwell was able to convince the family to slow the wagon by mentioning Stela's ability to heal after seeing a child made of ice with light and heat emanating from their chest. After speaking with the denizens of the cart, they found that the child had an illness called Fever, and the storm was created unwittingly by the child's stress.  

Total XP: 60 (768)

  • 30xp for Caldwell RP in trying to get information and convincing the wagon to return to the party
  • 10xp for Bahubat RP in attempting to slow the wagon
  • 10xp for Stela RP using detect magic and sound to recognize the family inside
  • 10xp for Wiloc1 RP for recognizing the icy elementals
1 Wiloc was being puppeteered by Besella
Report Date
07 Oct 2023
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