Oliver Clayhead

Archivist of Certa Oliver Clayhead

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to blue-collared farmers, Oliver spent a lot of his time working the fields of his home. His childhood was filled with spices: harvesting, sorting by hand, and selling in the market. Still, whilst being happy in his work, he often dreamed of magic. He discovered the "cursed fields" at the edge of his home, and spent a lot of time there, exploring the magic that had "ruined" their farm. When he was old enough, he left to study at the library of Certa, determined to become a wizard. After 15 years in Certa, however, he'd only reached the status of archivist. He was sent to work in the Moralands, researching the innate magic users there. Still he dreamed of being wizard, practicing his rituals and spells every day despite his lack of vitraxine. Until one day, with on vitraxine in sight, Oliver cast his first spell. Lacking knowledge, he made the decision to keep it a secret, wanting to fully understand what had happened to him before reporting his finds. And so he committed his first crime as well.

Gender Identity



Gay apparently.


At age 11, he began his studies at the libraries of Certa. He studied for 15 years, eventually coming to the status of archivist where he stagnated for another 10 as he went to research in the Moralands and was forgotten there.


Hired by the Library of Certa to research innate casters in the Moralands.

Failures & Embarrassments

Every day. To list them would be to trap you here.

Intellectual Characteristics

Focused and grounded in rituals. He practices daily, unable to skip them. He tends to obssess over answers and puzzles, unable to move on until he's found answers.


He is an innate wizard. Something he has not told the library despite needing to report that information to the library.

Personality Characteristics


Scrungly and dusty and neglected.


Contacts & Relations

Rosin Thornfoot: friend from school, they started at the same time, and they bonded over both being from Lochmalan. She's always been very kind to him, and he's appreciated her friendship over the years. What a good friend.

Family Ties

Mother named Shae. Father named Ditirr. They did not leave on bad terms despite the parents hating magic, but they're not necessarily on good terms. Oliver tends to forget people when they are not right in front of him, so he hasn't written home in a long time.   Brothers Scrutt (older) and Pil (younger). They do not get on.


Mumbly with a tendency to be focused. Hard to pull from his rituals.

Hobbies & Pets

Not unless they want to be neglected.

Wealth & Financial state

Always devesatingly poor. Definitely not his fault.

Born to a family of farmers, Oliver dreamed of magic. After years of work, he became an archivist, and then an innate wizard after extensive research in the Wretch. Very focused on spells, not at all on people.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Stupidly Smart and Smartly Stupid
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Penfield, Lochmalan
Current Residence
His head
Bloodshot and grey, hidden behind large, round, wire-framed glasses
Scraggly long and a dingy brown streaked with grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dingy brown fur with ashy brown spots, gray speckled around his eyes and snout.
Too skinny for his height
Related Myths
Related Plots

The Archivist Shopkeep

If only we'd left Gorgos.   Needing to replenish my supplies for my writing set, I offered to help Stela find some writing supplies. We made our way to the Triadem's Trinkets, meeting Clarence the archivist who wasn't actually an archivist. When pushed, Clarence admitted that he didn't actually work at the library, but instead ran this shop after the death of his parents. He just wanted to travel. He'd never done it before. I didn't understand why. I'd just decided to leave and so I did. Wanting to give him a goal, I wrote a letter to my parents and included a couple gold pieces, asking him to deliver the letter.   He agreed, and I got to take some stationary with me, restocking my supply.   Also Stela used that as a jumping point to give away 40 gold, and while I don't know this actually happened, I am still horrified enough to include it in my thoughts here.  

The Journal Entry’s title

Get me out of Gorgos.


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