Eternal Rime Geographic Location in Cantarsus | World Anvil

Eternal Rime

In northerwestern Slovengaard, there is a powerful storm that has raged for over a thousand years. The ground is perpetually frozen though the snow has never grown to more than two feet in depth. This unusual makeup is almost certainly of magical origin, though the few attempts at excursions to search for vitraxine have come up empty. The storm takes up about eight square miles of land. In legend, there is a mountain at the center though no one has returned from the depths of the storm to verify and any documentation from before the storm has been lost to the ages.


The climate of the Eternal Rime shifts between freezing flurries to hailstorms to shardstorms, a dangerous form of hail that the wind and extremely cold temperatures lead to sharpened ice that can cut unprotected skin. The few creatures that have adapted to survive in this environment rarely rely on the sun for any form of energy with much of the flora finding ways to garner energy from the wind or soil. Interestingly, due to such consistent harsh conditions, the growing season is incredibly long as the various vegetation cannot rely on a welcoming environment to develop, instead relying on evolutionary mechanisms to protect them during their growth.

Fauna & Flora

Powdermill Trees

Technically a form of fungus, these trees are a single organism connected by a complicated underground root system. Rather than relying on other organisms or the sun for energy, these trees have developed vertical gills that are more hardy than most fungus and a rotating trunklike structure. These features work in tandem to create a windmill like effect that is particularly effective in these conditions. New sprouts do not produce their gills until they have grown to at least two feet tall in which a bulb expands out the top that unfurls into the familiar windmill shape to avoid damage in the harsh winds. These growing protrusions have caused the fungus to also be known as "Streetlamp Mushrooms".  


While the powdermill trees focused on surviving in the storm, poletrees found a means to gathering sunlight in spite of the storm. The tops of the trees disappear far above into the clouds and apparently are able to garner some sunlight for growth. Poletrees produce a variety of fruit and are the primary source of food for any attempting to live in the Eternal Rime. These fruit have large seeds that once sprouted grow at an accelerated rate of nearly five foot a day. This stalk is flimsy at first allowing it to move in the wind until it is able to reach about a hundred feet in which the trunk stiffens and continues to reach for the sunlight above the storm. Poletrees grow frost resistant fruits resembling cherries, citrus fruit, apricots, and coconuts.  

Tufted Yaks

Thick,tightly curled fur produces a warm coat for these yaks. Their snouts are dark and have an almost woody exterior to protect them from the frigid climate. They use these snouts to dig down below the snow and eat the various grasses that have learned to survive without sunlight.  


Ice elementals who used their ancestral ties to the elements of ice and storm to manipulate the weather as Squalldancers in Slovengaard. They found refuge in the Eternal Rime after the Devastation of Havarnen where an outbreak of fever in the Glashani led to their eruptive deaths wiping out much of the town and its inhabitants. The few who have returned from a Glashani village said they sustain themselves on the fruit of the poletrees, tufted yaks, and an odd bluish meat that appeared to come from a creature of immense size.  


Thick white fur surrounds a yeti with piercing blue eyes. They have below average intelligence but do have a crude form of written word and can learn basic words in the common tongue. Yetis are vegetarians but extremely terratorial due to the difficulty of surviving in the Eternal Rime. A gift of fruits and vegetables from outside the Eternal Rime has saved many an adventurer and explorer. Eating of poletrees without first looking for the crude markings have been the demise of many more.  

Icicle Snakes*

Snakes that have developed the ability to ingest magical cold as substanence, they see warm blooded creatures as a threat. Their bite leads to frostbite in the area which can persist over time ultimately leading to gangrene and amputation if not treated. They have also developed a camoflauging technique where they sit entirely still with eyes closed, appearing as a mere icicle.  


Powerful and intelligent wolf like creatures that have the ability to spray a cone of ice at attackers and prey.

Natural Resources

Poletrees are an incredible source of wood do to their immense size. The bark is also known to have pleasant nutty aroma that is often used to make tea. Powdermill trees can also be eaten, though the taste is very bitter. Some claim they can increase the strength of elixirs though which has led to the possibility of export though the dangers of the Eternal Rime have kept the supply minimal.   Many believe there is a vitraxine deposit within the storm as it is the primary source of magic in the world. No one has been able to confirm its existence however.


While unknown to anyone of the current age, the Eternal Rime is home to the corpse of the previous Deity of Storm, Olu'sto. Similar to the Taisun vitraxine mine, the enormous deposit of vitraxine in the center is the remnants of a slain deity. The origin of the eruptive deaths of the Glashani, a people born of this region, the death of Olu'sto released their internal storm. Their deific nature, has left this eruption raging for a thousand years and has shown no sign of stopping.


There is no tourism in the Eternal Rime though occasional explorers have attempted to map the lands internal to the storm.
* The icicle snakes and witchwargs are both developed by Paizo for Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Alternative Name(s)
Blizzardlands, Ice Desert
Location under


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