Wormwind Caverns

In the northernmost part of Slovengaard, the temperatures are so frigid life cannot live on the surface for long. Even worse, a massive ice worm roamed beneath the permafrost with keen sense for movement upon the ground above and a very lenient diet. Between these two factors, the area was barren of any city, settlement, or even nomadic tribe. This made it the perfect location to begin amassing a powerful army if one could tame it, and that is what the Volskra were able to do.


The Wormind Caverns are a vast array of twisting caverns beneath the permafrost layer in northern Slovengaard. The labyrinthine nature is full of entrances, exits, and cave-ins that even the Volskra have not fully discovered after being there for more than a decade. There are two structures of note. The first is the primary entrance used by the Volskra. The massive crown of the former inhabitant, bone white and stripped of any meat to avoid decay, can be hoisted open not unlike a drawbridge. While gruesome, the use was more function over fashion. The monster was slain by the Volskra at this entrance, and the thick bone provided great insulation from the winds and, when closed, avoided the entrance from being filled in.   Deep in the tunnel system is a massive cavity the ice worm had built by burrowing back in on its own path over and over. As the cavern reached a size large enough, the worm made one final pass along the walls excreting a lavender-colored mucus from pores along its outer plates. This substance dried quickly, hardening into a material as durable and heavy as stone. This ensured the walls were impervious to collapse and is often the first step in producing a nest. This massive, insulated chamber became the home of the Volskra: Stychka.


While the predator that created these caverns was dangerous, the frigid air above was near unsurvivable at the best of times. Thus, the caverns are filled with various creatures that have developed various ways of suriving the worm rather than the weather. With the worm gone, some of these creatures have started to become a menace outside of the more well traveled pathways of the Volskra.

Fauna & Flora

Tendrilmaw Mongrel

Thin, hairless canines with a muzzle that splits into a collection of hyper-sensitive tentacular appendages. This specialized organ allows them to pick up the slightest tremors in the ground, even more sensitive than an ice worm, and is able to find crevices to hide when sensing a predator's approach. They mostly scavenge and are unlikely to attack unless rabid or starved.  

Ghoststalker Jaguar

A feline predator that has a large antenna that protrudes a few inches away from the creature's eyes. This antenna can be used to emit light, and when it does the cat opens a secondary set of eyes that are specifically designed for light based encounters. This dual ocular vision makes the feline incredibly difficult to blind. With immense power, the jaguar is capable of taking down large prey and humanites alike. Many Volskra have gone missing when wandering alone or in small groups.  

Crystillion Ants

Massive insects with translucent bodies, these creatures survive primarily on fungus and other flora found throughout the caves. Also known as "shatterbugs", they explode on death sending shards of their exoskeleton into their assailant to deter further attacks. While this did little to deter the ice worm, the death of their primary predator has led to a massive surge in their population and has caused them to become more vicious.

Natural Resources

The ice worm excretion is a hardy material, and with the unique lavender hue, can fetch a hefty sum especially when polished. There may be additional resources throughout the labyrinth, but the primary value is a safe haven from the ice and snow.
Location under
Owning Organization


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