Innate Spellcasting

In Taisunia, there were two types of magic: vitraxine and extraneous sources. Magic did not come from within oneself, but was simply a tool to be harnessed. The mists in the Moralands has now been proven to have developed what are known as innate spellcasters: spellcasters with the ability to weave spells without any external source required. They have found ways to augment their capabilities with vitraxine. For example, they are capable of using parchments written in vitraxine ink to cast a spell they have not prepared, though the power coursing through the ink consume the paper. This was previously seen as an impossibility due to the low quantities of vitraxine in ink to power a spell. An ex-archivist has been confirmed as one of the first developers of this ability. This optionality of vitraxine has also lead some to develop spells that do not require any physical components like motion or talismans. This gives them the unique ability in arcane spellcasters to cast while bound.   The above has all been verified, but due to the wholly unique shape of this development, we have also listed disproven myths and legends about this newfound ability. Any conspiracy theories that can be definitively disproven will not be listed here. There are three major categories that these conspiracy theories fall into: source of the power, who is capable of wielding it, and what will be done with it.  

Source of Innate Spellcasting

The most common erroneous rumor about the source is a new deity or even Certa herself has decided to take a more active role in arcana in the world. Two verified innate spellcasters were willing to go through tests that could cause harm to those of worship but leave others unharmed. Their confidence was proof in itself, but the experiment confirmed it.   Others believe it was just a natural evolution that was due to happen with the wide use of vitraxine in the populace. The belief is that vitraxine can soak through the skin altering the caster in some way. Historical records traced for various innate spellcasters has proven that a varied use of vitraxine, wizards, common use items, to none due to cost, is possible. The one common thread is spending at least ten years living in the mists.   The most common belief of the source is the absence of one. Those who have never seen one of these innate spellcasters believe the power are just a mixture of sleight-handed wizards and those who would sell their soul to another being, celestial or demonic, to gain power. There have been various innate spellcasters confirmed including Oliver Clayhead and Portia Rizzpot.  


The most common concern is one of immortality. Various ways have been deemed to lead to this immortality whether caused by the same source as their newfound power to relying on rejuvenating themselves by siphoning the unrealized future life forces of their victims. Many innate spellcasters have been found dead, and even killed by those who have led to these immortality claims. They have also been seen aging similar to others of similar heritage.   The more disturbing belief that the vitraxine poisons the mind leading to instability and ultimately wonton destruction. These concerns have developed into an organization known as the Nex Immortalis or the Immortal Reapers, a group believing it is their duty to rid the world of these new spellcasters. Over a dozen deaths in the last year have been traced to this new crusade. While mental unstability has been found in innate spellcasters, the number is consistent with the wider populace even within the range of error.  

Uses of Innate Spellcasting

The truth of innate spellcasting usage is as varied as any spellcaster or sapient species that lives among us. They have been shown to be susceptible to power and greed but also compassion and mercy. The skill of these new spellcasters is equally varied, though with less time very few are known to have reached the heights of power as their vitraxine empowered brethren.   The Nex Immortalis have selectively encouraged stories of dangerous innate spellcasters like Portia Rizzpot while hiding the efforts of their opposites or convincing others that their actions can be explained in other ways such as vitraxine or divine intervention. Innate spellcasters have been verified to use their powers in similar manners to other spellcasters, some with greed and malice while others bring mercy and compassion. A few attached documents have shown that this is done with the intent of darkening the continent's view of the dangerous.


While not a myth directly, this is a corroborated document placed behind some of the most powerful protective barriers in the Library of Certa by none other than the Presictor himself, Andarin Silverlight. This was done years after Oliver Clayhead's work uncovering the plot of Gorgos.
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