
Gorgos, most commonly recognized as the deity of war, is an Aevitian, an immortal race as well as the ruling class of the Coruscian Plane who brought Cantarsus into existence eons ago.   Of all the Aevitians, he applies the most direct influence on Cantarsus as he finds the humanoid species have a similar enjoyment for bloodlust and tinkering if given the right push. Towards the end of his aging stage and throughout his entire chrysalis stage, the world knows peace and prosperity. The first few years of a revitalized Gorgos are also quiet as his armies build, but there is a tense, forboding pressure amongst the populace.   Outside of Mora, the deity of life and death, no Aevitian has taken up physical form on Cantarsus either. An avatar of Gorgos is often at the head of more than one army during the warring period brought about by the devilish gnomic figure. These avatars take a toll on him which causes him to age faster than his counterparts. This leads to warring periods to be short but bloody. The countries of Taisunia appear to be edging closer to another warring period, and rumor has it that Gorgos has grown tired of using an avatar and plans to appear directly. This could just be the retelling of a previous myth, however. His predecessor, Belos, is said to have been reborn into Cantarsus leading to the War Grimori, an ancient war between powerfully imbued protectors of ancient tribes known as grimori. This war was first amongst the individual grimori before the arrival of Belos led to them banding together and striking him down near present day northern Dakshinaatl.

Divine Domains

Gorgos is the god of war, machinations, and invention. Throughout history, the greatest of inventions have often come at the peak of war and that is no coincidence. His moods swing wildly, but he can be easily placated with an interesting toy or bauble.


Crimson Slate was a powerful artifact from centuries ago when Gorgos delivered an avatar upon Cantarsus. The avatar unleashed war leading to untold deaths, but was eventually captured and sacrificed upon a slate altar. The blood stains had turned this into a powerful holy relic for the Temple of Gorgos and was said to provide a blessing of strength for those most dedicated to Gorgos and bloodshed. Eventually, a mote of Gorgos's chrysalus had fell upon Cantarsus turning the Crimson Slate into a conrasu, a species made solely through this process.   With both soul and blood embedded in the Crimson Slate, the Libraries of Gnosi had come to an agreement with the conrasu to hide them away deep in the recesses of the Library of Gorgos, where the Volskra were barred from entry, for fear they could be used to bring Gorgos himself, and not simply an avatar, to this world, much like his predecessor, Belos.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The primary symbol of Gorgos is three interlocking gears. When the symbol is in color, the outer two gears are red while the inner gear is bone white.

Tenets of Faith

  • War Breeds Innovation Without war, the world of invention would stagnate as people grow comfortable.
  • Creative Destruction Destroying what was leaves room for what will be.
  • Weaponize Knowledge Innovate not only in the physical world with tools and creatures, but in the mental realm as well.
  • Relinquish Tradition Tradition stands in the way of progress.


Chronival, a traveling festival in Gnosi themed around the gods and their months, holds a celebration the last week of Gorgannon at the Library of Gorgos. Great battles are reenacted, tournaments are played, and clockwork toys are handed out as prizes.   Additionally, the seventh day of the sevent month, Gorgannon, is a holy day for the Temple of Gorgos.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Even though Gorgos is most well known for being the deity of war, he uses war as a way to push for new innovation. The sapients of Cantarsus are most creative when there is pressure for success, and Gorgos has found that attempting to stay alive is the greatest form of such pressure. This drives Gorgos to keep the mortal plane of Cantarsus at war amongst themselves. He is generally uninterested in conquering the lands as this would also cease war. Instead, he is an instigator, sowing discord, distrust, and anger through the populace until the air is nigh combustible...then lights a match.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Other Affiliations


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