

After finding a massive mine, the governments chose to band together and create a single Taisunian Empire. The mine blew up wiping out the new country and leaving behind The Wretch which is dangerous and only filled with criminals.  
The Taisun mine was found by Slovengaard, Dakshinatl, and Mourianji at various times throughout 1098. Due to the immenseness of the mine, the governments chose to meet for the first ever Taisunian Congress. Through long discussion, they chose to create a united continent by each providing a fair amount to create the Taisunian Empire. The mine and surrounding lands were given up to the Empire to create the new city state Taisun while Lochmalan and Gnosi paid the lion's share for the construction. All of the countries' rulers and additional favored noblepeople became delegates and ruled from Taisun. Unfortunately, the mine exploded in 1242 wiping out all of Taisun and then some, though most of the delegates were in their home countries at the time of the explosion. Opinions are mixed on whether the Taisunian Empire was lost with it.   Since the explosion, the denizens of the explosion have claimed to be a different sixth state: Moralands. The land is filled with criminals but also the poor from other countries who are looking for a fresh start. None of the other countries have chosen to formally accept or denounce the Moralands making interactions tense.  
The Taisunian Empire was created out of fear that the mine's resources would be used up on war efforts to try to control the mine. Realizing there was more than enough to go around, all countries agreed sharing the resource would be best for everyone.   There is evidence that the delegates were aware of a new and powerful resource inside the mine. They had ordered for it to be excavated a few days before the mine exploded. Some believe the reason the delegates were out of Taisun at the time was out of fear, caution or even knowledge that the excavation would have devastating effects.  
They are politicians...of course they were out of town to save themselves in case something went wrong. Might be a potential plot hook if people are interested in finding out more though

1242 VE

Founding Date
1098 VE
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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