King Leo Vitalis Character in Carina | World Anvil
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King Leo Vitalis

King Leo Vitalis Quintillus Inosentia

Leo Vitalis was the fifth and final child of King Alberic Honorious and Queen Benedicta Regina. He was the couple's only son. As a child, Leo was often surrounded by nurses and servants, more than a typical royal child. While he was not a sickly child, three of his sister died before their tenth birthday and his parents feared that he would also die very young. When he was five years old his father was very sick and many people believed he would die. Fearing a succession crisis, a coronation for Leo was thrown together in a matter of days. He was crowned as his father's heir when he was six years old, the youngest an Isendreen heir has ever been crowned.

Mental characteristics


Leo had several tutors and was given a general education but was also taught specific topics to prepare him to rule. After the death of his father, he continued to pursue his education by attending classes at a famous university in Kiara. At the age of eighteen, he graduated with a degree in government and politics.



Leo Vitalis was crowned king of Isendree in 987 AnCog four days after the death of his father. He was thirteen at the time. During his first seven years as king, he relied heavily on his mother for guidance. When he married at twenty and his wife became the Supreme Judge of Isendree, Queen Mother Benedicta Regina stepped down from being her son's counselor and retired from government. With his wife at his side, King Leo Vitalis did his best to rule fairly but firmly.

Family Ties

From a very young age, Leo had a good relationship with both his parents and relied on them both despite their busy lives. After the death of his father, he leaned even more heavily on his mother for support and guidance. This included his search for a wife. He first started this quest at eighteen after graduating from university. He met with many young women before falling in love with Dutchess Therasia Verena, a law student attending the same university he had. After courting for two years, and Therasia graduated, they married in 994 AnCog.    They had their first child in 996 AnCog, a girl named Naenia Isobel. A few years later, in 998, they had twins, a boy and a girl named Vincentius Achille and Viviana Amor respectively.


King Leo Vitalis


Towards Queen Consort Therasia Verena


Queen Consort Therasia Verena


Towards King Leo Vitalis


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince: 974-980  Crown Prince: 980-987 King of Isendree: 987-
Date of Birth
4th of Jarus, 974 AnCog
Year of Birth
974 AnCog 43 Years old
Aligned Organization


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