Summer camp 2021

Summer camp is here!

The time has come again! And I'm hyped! Summer Camp is my favourite even in World Anvil (sorry ).
Here you can see the summercamp homework 2021 (will be updating it with the new homework and maybe new things and the articles with prompts once SC starts).

PSSSS... Check me...
Do you know I have a discord, a new brand web, and a Ko-fi?
Sorry for the spam

by World Anvil
Catoblepon's profile picture
Profile photo by Catoblepon
Remaind to self (or to anyone else reading this): REMEMBER THAT HEALTH IS IMPORTANT. Even if you want to accomplish whatever goal you want, health is important, so don't try push yourself for that goal if your health isn't good.
— Catoblepon



All my worldbuilding I have been doing has been for fun. This does not mean i only want to write for fun, as my long goal for Daeliha and Iphars is to make them playable for role-playing games and keep it agnostic (or if I manage to become crazy enough, make a system for them). Khulgran will keep being for fun for now.


This summer camp, I will be working on Iphars. This world started last year, for summer camp 2020, and I loved to develope it with the prompts. This year I will keep working on it this summercamp, and hopefully the nexts years until I think it is mostly done.


Last year I worked on Branul, the southwestern continent of Iphars. This year, I will be working on Emea, a estern continent of Iphars.


I am aiming to get all 31 prompts done while still taking care of my physical and mental health and most importantly, while trying to not burn out.


Summer time is when the scholar year finish for me and my work time starts. It has been like this for three years already (this one being the third) and I use the time when I do not work nor I am spending time with friends to write, this year it would be the mornings, so I am hoping to be able to write at least three times a week in the morning and a bit more my free day.


My support network its the people from the Lodge, the Aviario, and the people from my chapter and the spanish channel in the World Anvil server. They are amazing beans who I cannot be more proud.

I pledge to try doing 31 prompts while not burning out.
— Catoblepon



I redid all my categories for this summercamp! And I'm pretty happy with them. At the time I'm writting this, I still have to move the articles to the categories so I'll go do that.
Also thanks Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull as Etrea has been of great inspiration for the re-work of my categories.


Tags have been alwasy difficult for me so I've only thought of six tags:
  • #summercamp2020
  • #worldember2020
  • #summercamp2021
  • #challenges
  • #prompts
  • #toedit




by Unsplash
by Unsplash
by Unsplash


by Unsplash
by Unsplash
by Unsplash


Map placeholder

As for a photo / image placeholders, I do not like to use them. But I suppose I can use the cute zothis
Zothis by Catoblepon


So far, I have only noticed myself following a layout in two kind of articles: species and settlements.


  • Anatomy
  • Genetics and reproduction
  • Growth
  • History
  • Ethnicities
  • Others (behaviour, intelligence, habitat & diet, ideals, etc)
  • Scientific name
  • Lifespan
  • Average height
  • Average weight
  • Average lenght
  • Geographic distribution
  • Ethnicities
  • Languages
  • Map distribution
  • Carrousel
  • Add cool details or information


  • Description of the town
  • Demographics
  • Cool and interesting NPC
  • History
  • Natural resources or cool details
  • Location
  • Population
  • Map
  • Type

Break ups

I like to separate the text in cols or to add containers or lists in the middle of the text to break the text. Also, I like to make the sidebar as long as the article or keep writing the article in the full width footer.

Colour codes

While I do not follow any colour code to remark stuff as different things, I do have my quotes looking like my sidebar and I like to add my alouds and quotes in the middle of the text to add details that do not necessary have worldbuilding importance. I also like to alternate aloud-quote in my sidebar if I am adding multiples of them.


My CSS it's just for prettiness. I created it last year with trial and error (and many eyes burned) when I was apprentice and had no idea that once I would be grandmaster, and I haven't changed since then (well, ignoring the code added to this article css for the bright orange spoiler buttons). Thus, my CSS (as said previously) is only for aestethics, trying to give the reader a warm sensation. I wish I add colour codes for my new shiny containers (tbf, I didn't create containers for Iphars and I don't have time for it right now) as I think it's a really cool idea but for now... just enjoy the warmness I suppose.

UPDATE 1-6-21
I GOT PRETTY CSS ADD-ONS FROM Stormbril AND THEY PRETTY! Storm also has sci-fy locks and spoilers, and magic mirrors, and they all pretty! You can look at them here <3
I will soon get the sci-fy lock and spoiler too!
Lock code is 1-2-3-4-5-6
Stormbril's CSS add-ons!
Generic article | Aug 14, 2023

A small shop of unique, interactive, and hopefully pretty dang neat CSS "add-ons" or "set-pieces" for sale. Check em out, buy em, and use em in your own world!

Hallo! This is a test (and I'm too lazy to get the lorem ipsum)!
Hallo! This is a test (and I'm too lazy to get the lorem ipsum)!

More readers

I have been writing an article that it would be the introduction of Iphars, where new readers could find where to start reading and to have a feeling of how this world is. It's been a year and still haven't finished it... Anyway, I'm hoping to write a bit about Emea (where this summer camp articles will be based of) before summer camp starts (even thought real life has been stopping me to do so).

I've also written a journay entry to welcome to the amazing beans that followed my author's profile and to tell them and my old followers about my worlds, what going on with them and their state.

Welcoming post and saludations to old followers
Social interactions!
To be honest, they scare me a lot. BUT! I also love to see y'all pretty messages and that you like what I do! I'm hoping to see what y'all think of my content this summercamp, and I hope to read as many articles as possible while really taking account my mental health. I love to read, but the last years it has been so energy consuming that it is hard for me, so I usually just delete my notifications when they start overwhelming me (this is the main reason about why I do not interact with articles, even if it's just a like).
Author profile
I haven't touched my author profile since I joined, three years ago (well, I have changed my profile photo but that does not count :P). So I will update it and make it pretty or I will leave it how it is if I find myself too overwhelmed with work from real life (Will update the day before summercamp this section or when I update it).
I did it! It's not big visual changes (like pics) but just some information):
I hate it, you hate it, everyone hates spam. But I want to create a community (yes, I know that social interaction scares me, I'm working on it).
I have created a discord ! Here we can talk about not only my worlds but also your work!
With social networks I only have my discord account and my twitter.
I do have a website as portfolio (as I do commissions).
And last but not least important, if you wanna support me, I have a Ko-fi!

Article Release Plan

Future Catoblepon, follow this list before sharing stuff please!

o Check that the article is:
oo o Published
oo o Not broken (check bbcode!)
oo o Submitted to summer camp
oo o Has a minimum of 300 words (not taking account worldanvil's counter as it has bbcode)
oShare in:
oo oTwitter
oo oDiscord
oo oWorld Anvil discord:
oooo o#summercamp-2021
oooo o#chapter-the-good-cookies-lodge
oooo o#kiosko-de-paella
oo oFriendly discords (with code names, kinda)
oooo oLodge
oooo oBirdcage
oooo oPinecorn
oooo oDragons
oAdd the tags to twitter!
oo o#worldbuilding
oo o#fantasy
oo o#WASummerCamp

oPing the people in discord!
oo o@followers
oo o@creators of worlds

Last preparations

To-do list before Summer Camp 2021

Finish the summercamp 2021 article
Take a look if the tracksheets are broken
TRY to finish Emea's map (for my health sake won't even try it)
Put articles in their new categories with their new tags (at least the published articles)
TRY to write about emea in Welcome to Iphars! (work sucks, stress too, won't be able to do)
Ready twitter
Ready worldanvil profile

To-do the first day

Add prompt list into tracksheets
Add prompt list to SC2021 article

Read text under the iframe!

Summer Camp 2021 - Multiplayer tracksheet

A tracksheet for summercamp! Just do a copy for you and your group, and fill up the columns with your name, your world(s), and links to the articles once all starts!

Add your name to the List column if you want to be counted for the global progress (this allows people to share their progress without effecting the global progress if their objective is not to complete summer camp). The list column can be used as well to link the box with your name to your column for easy access (mostly useful when you are not near the start of the sheet).

It also has (on the other tabs) the old summercamp prompts, from other years, with a similar structure as the tracker for this year, so you can get inspiration from old years!

NOTE: DO NOT TOUCH ANY COLUMN BEFORE THE LIST COLUMN, it will update on its own. Do not touch any box with code on it.

PLEASE do not delete or edit the credits to myself. They also work as a contact to talk to me if you break the sheet for any reason.


First week

A myth or fairytale, about a prophecy, oracle, fortune telling or other revelation.
Saviours from Fedan'th
Myth | Jun 5, 2024

The story of an important prophecy for the asheks fareints

Zothis by Catoblepon

Second week

An old or ancient organization which still casts a shadow.
Organization | Jun 5, 2024
A lost or ancient language.
Language | Jun 5, 2024
An ancient and/or powerful artifact.
Item | Jun 5, 2024
A religious order founded or based in your world's history.
Organization | Jun 5, 2024

An often undervalued but vital profession.
Profession | Jun 5, 2024

Third week

A building associated with crime or justice.
Etrakt house
Building / Landmark | Jun 5, 2024
A renowned pirate, highwayman or other criminal.
Character | Jun 5, 2024
A unit or squad who guards an important person.
Military Formation | Jun 5, 2024
A settlement known as a pleasure town or for louche behaviour.
Settlement | Jun 5, 2024
A brave hero, who hides a secret past.
Character | Jun 5, 2024
A Romancer, Paramour, or other amorous individual.
Character | Jun 5, 2024
A large business, corporation or trade guild.
Organization | Jun 5, 2024
A vital trade resource that supports a settlement or region.
Material | Jun 5, 2024
An industrial, mining, logging or other production settlement.
Settlement | Jun 5, 2024

A title which cannot be bought, only earned.
Rank/Title | Jun 5, 2024

Echo accessories

by Catoblepon

Last prompt

A bloody coup, rebellion or uprising in your world's history.
Rebellion vs Tashan
Military Conflict | Jun 5, 2024

It has finished!

Summercamp has finished and I got the shiny diamond badge! While work has been hard, I feel like I have done summercamp good because I don't feel burn out (or at least yet).
"But I did not recieve notifications for most of them!" you may say. Yes, I know that, I am well aware, and that's for a simple reason: time. Because of work and mental health, many of them have been written in 15 min or so, most of them are an info dump. Is that good? Yes and no, they are a great help to expand Iphars and I'm happy about that, but as articles they are mostly bad, even tho big part of them they still have some bbcode and images and could be good for some people, I do not like them as finished (or finished enough) to share them.
Articles will have their notifications once we can edit them without being disqualified from the prices (I should say that I do not participate SC for prices but for the world's expansion, but prices are pretty). After editing them, I will send them your way so have patience?

Now, what?

What? You wanna know what I will do between now and WorldEmber? Well, there's a lot of IRL stuff that I need to do so I might not do too much for a bit (each time I say this I end up doing the contrary but I do really need to do the stuff so future Cato, please focus on IRL for a bit) and then I will start editing Daeliha (FINALLY), starting with a welcome article to the world (such as the beautifully unfinished one of Iphars :P ) and start creating a tracksheet for WorldEmber. What else? Who knows, not me.

ANYWAY! I hope you've had a good SummerCamp and are doing good in general (WATCH YOUR MENTAL HEALTH).
Cato's out.

OH BTW. The groups which I have done the tracksheets with are great and we did:
  • Kiosko: Copper medal in general!
  • Lodge: Silver medal in general!
  • Cookies: Silver medal in general!


Catoblepon's logo by Catoblepon
Custom Icon Exporter-16px.png


Author's Notes

Amazing spoiler from Stormbril, you can find them here

Please Login in order to comment!
Jun 13, 2021 21:04 by Gamez (Dan)

Great Article! Colourful and Creative use of CSS to create an interactive button menu. Fantastic to see you are committing to all 31 prompts as well as considering your own mental and physical health by caveating that without burnout!

Come join me every Sunday at 11:30am UTC+1 on Twitch  

Join the Community:


Check Out Social Media

Twitter Youtube SoundCloud
Jun 14, 2021 17:48 by Catoblepon

Thank you! I am trying to make as many people as possible take into account health in summer camp, as I've seen many burnouts and blocks in the two years I did of summer camp, and I couldn't force them if I didn't do it as well!

Jun 26, 2021 22:53 by Spectral 42

WOW, I love the color of this article! Good luck with Summer Camp! I truly hope you reach your goal!

Jun 26, 2021 23:50 by Catoblepon

Thank you! I will try my best to reach my goal without burning out! And I hope you do as well :D

Jun 27, 2021 18:50 by George Sanders

Looking good! You layout all your goals, tools, and world projects. This is good.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
Share your articles on Lavani's Reading List!
Jun 27, 2021 19:06 by Catoblepon
Jun 27, 2021 22:34 by Gege Escriva

This article is so complet and looks really nice.. not is perfect! You've got really clear goals, organization and everything! I have lots to learn from you. I wish you lots of luck in the SC!!! I'm excited to see what you'll write!

Summer Camp has begun! I'm keeping my eyes on your Personal Item that keeps you Safe| Submit your entry and get the chance of winning a small illustration of your item!     Wanting more props to use in your games? Try with the Wildlands Trinkets!.   "A Demon's howl: Folk Tales from Moskova's Lore" is out now!   Explore the Kingdom of Moskova with me! Wonders and darkness await for you. Are you ready for the adventure?  
Jun 28, 2021 20:52 by Catoblepon
Jun 27, 2021 22:37 by Janelle

Ooooh! Love the pledge and the interactive button menu! Also, I'm a sucker for checklists too! Good luck with all the Summer Camp writing! :D   Question: How'd you get the buttons to take you directly to your header and not randomly somewhere at the top of your content? (Everytime I use the article-toc bbcode for it, it takes me to somewhere in the first line underneath the header.)

Seek out Fate in the world of Auriga!
Jun 28, 2021 20:54 by Catoblepon

Trick is that it aint an articletoc but just headers with links :D (if you need help with it dm me in discord, my discord is somewhere in the article iirc)

Jun 27, 2021 22:41 by Finn Beaton

This is an awesome article!

Jun 28, 2021 20:54 by Catoblepon
Jun 28, 2021 12:46 by JRR Jara

Cato this pledge is so pretty!!! I love it. And yes health is important. Thanks for the reminder :)

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
Jun 28, 2021 20:54 by Catoblepon

Thank you! And I will try to remaind as much people as possible about health as much as possible

Jun 29, 2021 22:38 by Pierrot

Wow! This article's grown a lot since my first read - I'm glad to see you've decided to not complete some tasks in your To-do list for the sake of your health. Very excited to see what you'll do for this year's SC!

Jun 29, 2021 22:41 by Catoblepon

Yeah, I've been expanding it a lot since then >> and I've trying to take care of my health as much as possible as it is not exactly getting better but worse D:

Jun 29, 2021 22:45 by Pierrot

Oh noo D: that sounds awful. Please remember to take care of yourself and don't try to do anything that could worsen your situation. Wishing you the best

Jun 30, 2021 14:15 by Dani

You've got this Cato!! May all your SummerCamp dreams come true (especially the one about not burning out) ;) Can't WAIT to see what you come up with!

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Jun 30, 2021 18:49 by Catoblepon
Jul 1, 2021 03:37

Funny, social interactions scare me too. But I'll make an effort just this time, just to say that I really like your use of columns and to wish you the best for this month. You certainly have a well defined plan. And a tracker! (I love trackers (this month I'm trying something quite general, I didn't feel like planning much because I'm exploring... but I'm borrowing that tracker for the future, if that's OK). Enjoy Summercamp!

Jul 1, 2021 17:36 by Catoblepon

Thank you! And yeah, that's okay to use it (if credits are right) <3

Jul 1, 2021 21:13 by Cassandra Sojourn

I love this pledge page. Your design is so nice, as well as your map artwork. I look forward to learning more about your world over summer camp!

Choose your poison:   Phasmatum: An Afro-Solar-Fantasy world created for my epic novels.
Adazuri: A shonen-inspired magitech fantasy world home-brewed for 5e.
Jul 1, 2021 21:48 by Catoblepon

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

Aug 7, 2021 15:04


Aug 7, 2021 20:59

I'll wait for the finished versions then (unless I find an article by accident, nothing can be done about that XD) You know what is funny? I'm also waiting for the chance to do corrections before inviting people to most of the articles and I though it was unusual, but I'm starting to notice is not. It's motivation to edit too.   I wonder if "future Cato" is already disagreeing with the IRL focus....

Aug 7, 2021 21:20 by Catoblepon

I can affirm that future Cato is already disagreeing. And yeah, the waiting to invite people is not too unusual!