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Dragon Lords of Nova Stratos

The Dragonlords of Nova Stratos are a complex web of alliances and rivalries, with each member vying for power and status within the council. At the top sits Bahamut, the most powerful and only lasting Primordial Dragons. Below him, the council is made up of one chromatic and one metallic dragon of each color and metal, each representing their respective nests and dens.   These council members are the ultimate decision-makers in the Dragonlords' society, but they are constantly embroiled in disputes and negotiations to further their own interests. The chromatic dragons, with their close ties to Tiamat's soul, often push for more aggressive actions, while the metallic dragons, bound by their ties to Bahamut's soul, advocate for more peaceful and benevolent approaches.   Beneath the council, various Dragon clans and houses vie for power and status, often forming alliances and making deals with each other to further their own goals. Dragonborn, as citizens of the empire, are often used as pawns in these political games, while Kobolds serve as the servants and laborers of the Dragonlords.   Despite the chaos and constant infighting, there are still some factions that adhere to a strict code of honor and duty. The Order of the Elements, a knightly group that serves the dragons, is one such faction. They uphold the values of honor and service, and dedicate themselves to protecting the Dragons of Nova Stratos. But even they must navigate the treacherous politics of the Dragonlords to achieve their goals.


The culture of the Dragons of Nova Stratos is one of hierarchy, power, and dominance. Each Dragon knows their place within the social order, determined by their color, alignment, and proximity to Tiamat or Bahamut. Chromatic dragons view themselves as the rightful inheritors of the Central Domain, born from the shattered soul of their progenitor, Tiamat. Metallic dragons, on the other hand, believe in serving Bahamut and embodying his virtues of benevolence and charity.   Dragonborn citizens of the empire own land in the name of their dragon rulers, while kobolds serve as the backbone of the society. The Draconic Prerogative is a ubiquitous term in chromatic dens, and the dragons see themselves as vassals over other empires. They demand tribute and respect from those around them, and their fiery breath is a constant reminder of their power.   Within Nova Stratos, the dragon lords rule with an iron fist, vying for power and influence within Bahamut's court. The Order of the Elements serves the dragons, and their members are trained in combat and magic to protect their draconic masters. Despite the chaos and constant power struggles, the dragons of Nova Stratos maintain a sense of nobility and grandeur, their scales shining in the light as they soar through the skies above their floating island home.



The Order of the Platinum Dragon is a devout religion of metallic dragons who follow the teachings of Bahamut, their revered deity. The order is based in Nova Stratos. The metallic dragons see themselves as Bahamut's chosen children, tasked with upholding the divine values of justice, honor, and righteousness in the world.   The Order has strict hierarchies and ceremonies that are followed with great reverence. Members of the Order are known as Dragon Knights and are organized into different ranks based on their achievements and dedication. The highest rank is that of the Dragon Highlord, who leads the Order in the name of Bahamut.   The Order of the Platinum Dragon is also deeply involved in the education and training of metallic dragons, both young and old. They operate schools and academies where dragons can learn the ways of the Order and how to serve Bahamut. These schools are also open to dragonborn and other races who have shown loyalty to Bahamut.   The Order of the Platinum Dragon is highly respected among metallic dragons and is often called upon to mediate disputes between different dragon nests. They are seen as a beacon of hope and an embodiment of the divine values of Bahamut. Their temples and strongholds are awe-inspiring structures, often adorned with platinum, gold, and gems, reflecting the wealth and devotion of the Order's followers.

We breathe destruction and create new worlds from the ashes

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Myths


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