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Satyr are a playful and mischievous race, with a strong connection to nature and the fey. They have the upper body of a human, with the lower body of a goat, complete with hooves and a tail. Satyr are known for their love of music and often carry pan pipes, which they use to create enchanting melodies. Satyr are closely connected to nature and are often found in forests or other natural environments. They are also known to form communities in the Central Domain, where they can interact with other races.   Despite their joyful disposition, Satyr have a dark history. Many humans hunt Satyr for their horns, which are prized for their supposed magical properties. This has led to a deep-seated mistrust of humans among the Satyr, though some Satyr do form friendships with humans who respect their boundaries and treat them with kindness. Satyr communities are often hidden and secretive, and they are cautious around outsiders. Despite this, Satyr are not typically aggressive or hostile, and they are more likely to try and outwit or trick those who threaten them rather than resorting to violence.   Satyr are also known for their love of revelry and celebration. They are often found in the company of other fey, such as pixies and sprites, and they are always up for a good party. However, they can also be fiercely protective of their communities and will defend them against threats, both physical and magical.
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